In this project you will create a unique 3D animated scene composed of Three.js graphic components.The scene should include animation, lighting and mu
View More..In this project you will create a unique 3D animated scene composed of WebGL graphic components.The scene should include animation, lighting, textures
View More..Lab #2 Keyboard input, flow control and sfml The goal of this lab is to get experience with flow control, specifically if statements and for lo
View More..MS PowerPoint Assignment Create a Powerpoint slide show with the contents given at the bottom of the page. Select a suitab
View More..Assessed Coursework Designing, implementing and demonstrating a real-time 3D demoscene Overview of the Coursework This coursework is an individual pro
View More..1. You are teaching a class on politics in the media, and you want your students to search for trending political stories online. What is the best and
View More..ISM 3232 – Travis – Fall 2019 – Individual Assignment #4 ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Observe professional programming style guidel
View More..GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING UNIT PROJECT DESIGN & IMPLEMENT AN INTERACTIVE ANIMATION Project Description The purpose of the project is to crea
View More..1. Aim of the Assessment In this assessment, you need to design and develop an Android App using Android Studio and Java progr
View More..Undergraduate Course Syllabus Computational Graphics and Visualization Course Description Provide an introduction to computer graphics drawing algorit
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