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C Programming

Write a C program that uses the “pebble game” technique to test if an input graph is minimally rigid (in two dimensions). The first line of the input will be n, the number of vertices. n will not exceed 100.

Requirements: Write a C program that uses the “pebble game” technique to test if an input graph is minimally rigid (in two dimensions). T

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Assembly Programming

The following are some additional pseudo-instructions that one could define for MIPS. In each case, supply an equivalent MIPS instruction or sequence of instructions with the desired effec

Question 1 The following are some additional pseudo-instructions that one could define for MIPS. In each case, supply an equivalent MIPS instruct

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Data structures & Algorithms

Given some coin denominations, your goal is to make change for an amount, S, using the fewest number of coins. Write python code to find the fewest number of coins using the greedy approach.

Objectives To get familiar with greedy To implement greedy algorithms to solve To develop skills and understanding of practical uses of greedy

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C Programming

In this assignment, you will implement a dynamic memory allocator suitable for replacing malloc() for heap memory in a Unix process. You will learn about dynamic memory management, pointer manipulation, and pointer casting.

Introduction In this assignment, you will implement a dynamic memory allocator suitable for replacing malloc() for heap memory in a Unix process. You

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Computer Network

The RIP routing protocol uses the distance vector algorithm. to prevent the count to infinity problem, what is the maximum hop count?

What is an AS (Autonomous System) all of the routers which can configure themselves. a set of routers that can control other routers. a group

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Data structures & Algorithms

Consider a collection of n closed intervals with distinct endpoints [Si, ti]; you can assume without loss of generality that the Si's and ti's are all distinct integers

Consider a collection of n closed intervals with distinct endpoints [Si, ti]; you can assume without loss of generalitythat the Si's and ti's are al

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Computer Science

This coursework involves building a simple steganography system in C. This system will have a command-line interface (CLI) that allows its users to encode/hide a message into an image,

F28HS2 Hardware Software Interface C Coursework This coursework involves building a simple steganography system in C. This system will have a command

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C++ Programming

In this programming exercise, you will use Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to calculate the shortest path between two physical locations. 

Overview In this programming exercise, you will use Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to calculate the shortest path between two physical locat

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C++ Programming

You are organizing a banquet for you and your friends. You want to know which choice of food and beverage for each guest so you can plan the banquet.

Assignment #7 – Banquet Planner You are organizing a banquet for you and your friends. You want to know which choice of food and beverage for e

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R Programming

In this assignment, you’ll be using a technique called collaborative filtering to recommend movies to users, similar to how Netflix makes movie recommendations.

Objectives To teach students about collaborative and content filtering. Overview In this assignment, you’ll be using a technique called collabor

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Gary BambrickResume writing

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