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For this assignment, we select a topic and entities. We will also describe the entities and the relationship between them include only 2 entities, avoid additional entities, they add to the complexity)

The goal of the Term Project Proposal and the Term Project is to work through key steps in the design of a very basic relational database. Keep the to

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Python Programming

What is the effect of a one unit increase in LSAT score on the log of median salary?

SSID 1.1   Exercise 1: Single Regression Please don’t forget to comment your code. Failure to do so will result in a loss of points. A

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your project to create an Excel spreadsheet that will be a teacher’s companion.an input area for the grades, rank them, split them into different quartiles

Excel programming: You work for a company that does educational consulting. Your boss knows that you are a genius when it comes to Excel and decides t

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Statistics & Analysis

the value 110700 is stored in a numeric variable.  Which one of the following SAS formats is used to display the value as $110,700.00 in a report?

Section 1: Multiple Choice 1. What change to the program will correct the error? Replace the WHERE statement with an IF statement Change the ** in t

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C Programming

In this game, fifty-two cards are laid face down on a table each player takes a turn flipping over a card and then attempting to flip over a second card with the same color and value.

The mind is like any part of the body – it needs exercise to stay healthy. There are many cognitive training regimes that exist for that, but

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Statistics & Analysis

distributed lag model to study the relationship between real housing investment per capita (pcinvt) and housing prices (pricet), I collect 42 years of annual data on each time series..

Question 1: A distributed-lag model. To study the relationship between real housing investment per capita (pcinvt) and housing prices (pricet), I coll

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C++ Programming

What can computer scientists do in a situation like this? We can build tools to help biologists, virologists, and other scientists search the incredible amount of data found in already-published research articles. 

A Simple C++ Search Engine Overview The world is in a fight against the Corona Virus!  What can computer scientists do in a situation like this?

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this coursework is to push you to design and implement more complex search processes, and to focus on more stringent performance control.

Artificial Intelligence Methods Part I – General Introduction – Population-based Search This coursework is a simple but more challenging e

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Statistics & Analysis

you will learn how to create new reports that will be used by different people in the organization.

Designing Business Intelligence Reports In this assignment, you will learn how to create new reports that will be used by different people in the orga

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Python Programming

Describe all the essential information related to the background of your proposed Data Analysis. Minimum 200 words

Describe all the essential information related to the background of your proposed Data Analysis. Minimum 200 words  Description of the purpose of

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