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Java Programming

Which of the following is NOT a primitive data type in Java?  Which of the following lines declares a constant holding the value 42 in Java?

SECTION A  Answers for this section must be written on the multiple-choice answer sheet (machine-readable form).  Question 1 [2%]  Whic

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C++ Programming

write a program that calculates and displays the Take-Home Pay of different individuals.

Assignment Details: -  Upload your assignment on the Link provided in Moodle. You are going to submit both your plan (MS-Word) and your sourc

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Assignment Writing

You will implement in AppInventor a multi-screen app for a cinema. This app will use a range of components and persist data between executions 

ITECH2000 Mobile Development Fundamentals Assignment 1: AppInventor App You will implement in AppInventor a multi-screen app for a cinema. This app wi

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C++ Programming

DNA string d is string of consisting of characters from the set {A, T, C, G} where |d| > 0. |d| is the length of d.

DNA String compression example   Definition: A DNA string d is string of consisting of characters from the set {A, T, C, G} where |d| > 0. |d|

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Python Programming

Create a program that moves the vehicle moving around a room while avoiding obstacles.

Activity 6 to be done individually: Create a program that moves the vehicle moving around a room while avoiding obstacles. Press a button to start and

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C++ Programming

Develop a C++ class declaration called SavingsAccount class that allows user to input initial values of dollars and cents and then asks for deposits and withdrawals.

 Computer Science II Laboratory One Pre-Lab Redefine CDAccount from Display 10.1 to be a class rather than structure. Use the same member variabl

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Python Programming

Write complete full Python programs for each part, to perform the following tasks o the initial value of an investment, i the expected final value of an investment, f

Question 1 Write complete full Python programs for each part, to perform the following tasks Write a Python program to perform the following Promp

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C++ Programming

the user to enter the size of an array, then allocate memory for this array of type int with the entered size

Programming II Pointers and 1D dynamic array Question 1: As the user to enter the size of an array, then allocate memory for this array of type int w

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Java Programming

write a MapReduce program which takes review.json as input and for each business_id it outputs the number of reviews that are given to that business id together with its average stars.

Assignment 1-MapReduce Warm-up (20 points) This assignment has three short coding problems. Please read the instructions carefully and submit all the

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Python Programming

you will write a Python 3.x program to calculate the length of the hypotenuse (side C) of a right triangle, given the lengths of the other two sides (A & B) as provided by the user.

Assignment 01A – Triangle Calculator ALIGNMENT: The purpose of this assignment is to provide practice with variables, getting user input and dis

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