Why paying for VPS with Bitcoin is the Future of Web Hosting

Why paying for VPS with Bitcoin is the Future of Web Hosting

The electronic world is constantly evolving, and one of the newest options available is the ability to pay for goods and services using cryptocurrency. Many commercial internet resources now accept bitcoin payments, and hosting providers are following suit by accepting virtual currency for their services. This allows for anonymous financial transactions without the need for personal information or payment card data. Hosting payments via bitcoin is seen as more secure and requires no verification as long as the agreement terms are not violated.

Why paying for VPS with Bitcoin is the Future of Web Hosting

The electronic world is constantly evolving, and one of the newest options available is the ability to pay for goods and services using cryptocurrency. Many commercial internet resources now accept bitcoin payments, and hosting providers are following suit by accepting virtual currency for their services. This allows for anonymous financial transactions without the need for personal information or payment card data. Hosting payments via bitcoin is seen as more secure and requires no verification as long as the agreement terms are not violated. In this article, we’ll explore the topic of bitcoin VPS in more detail.

How to buy hosting with Bitcoin?

Buying hosting with Bitcoin is easy. Simply select your desired plan on the provider’s website and choose “Bitcoin” as the payment method during checkout. If you encounter any issues, contact the provider’s 24/7 support team for step-by-step assistance with the transaction process.

Benefits of Virtual Private Servers

Before we start to talk about why you should buy VPS with bitcoin, let’s remind why VPS is a great hosting option as such. 

VPS are the servers that are created by means of sharing the resources of physical servers – RAM, storage space, and CPU cores. Although you aren’t the only owner of these capacities, in contrast to shared hosting, the ones you own are fully at your disposal. You get a fixed amount of each resource that you can easily allocate at your discretion according to the needs of your project.

Moreover, you can install the operating system of your choice, which gives you much more customizability. You get a dedicated IP to fine-tune your search engine optimization even more. And your security cannot be compromised by the rest of the server users. All these comprise the benefits of bitcoin VPS as VPS, and now, let’s pay some attention to the bitcoin part of it.

Benefits of Bitcoin VPS

Anonymity and Security

Using traditional banks to make online transactions requires revealing personal information such as passport and income details, which is not desirable for those who value their privacy. With Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, users can maintain anonymity as they do not have to provide personal information or reveal their identity when making transactions.

While Bitcoin transactions and wallets are publicly open, creating a crypto wallet does not require the disclosure of personal information, allowing users to remain unknown. This provides a level of privacy that traditional payment methods cannot offer, as personal information is not required for Bitcoin transactions.

Faster Transaction Processing

Time is money, but using money can also take time. When buying a VPS, you might be burning with impatience willing to start developing your web projects as soon as possible. Here the time it takes for processing your payment can seem incredibly long. In this case, bitcoin transactions can seem like a relieving option, taking significantly less time than traditional payment channels like bank credit cards or PayPal. Bitcoin transactions are processed much faster than traditional payment methods, allowing web hosting providers to confirm payment and set up the VPS within minutes.

Lower Transaction Fees

While banking institutions need to earn their living in some way, fees are an indispensable part of their policy, meaning a default increase in the costs of your hosting if you’re using traditional payment methods. On the other hand, if we talk about bitcoin as well as other cryptocurrencies, the fees there are reduced to the minimum due to the way bitcoin works – blockchain, which is a decentralized self-sustaining technology without a need for additional centralized supervision. With bitcoin, you can noticeably reduce the cost of your hosting plan with no additional effort.

Global Acceptance

Traditional credit cards are often linked to a bank in a specific country, which can cause complications such as limited access to certain services or added fees.  On the other hand, bitcoin has no nation and therefore you’ll pay equally with it regardless of where you and your hosting provider are on the world map. 

Decentralized and Non-Custodial

Living in the world that is, for now, divided into states is always linked to diverse limitations. Nevertheless, bitcoin is nowadays one of the reliable ways to avoid these limitations. Bitcoin as a decentralized currency that is not controlled by any government or financial institution allows customers to have full control over their funds and can make payments without the need for intermediaries like banks or credit card companies. With bitcoin, there is no way your funds get frozen by financial institutions while your transactions won’t be in any way restricted. 

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Conclusion: Why paying for VPS with Bitcoin is the Future of Web Hosting

In conclusion, we can say that bitcoin has a wide range of benefits over traditional payment methods making it more modern and more progressive, which allows us to conclude that eventually, it will permeate the world of web hosting more and more. If these advantages seemed attractive to you, don’t hesitate and get yourself your own bitcoin VPS!

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