Which Programming Languages are Officially Supported by OpenCV?

Which Programming Languages are Officially Supported by OpenCV?

OpenCV, is the short form of Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a powerful open-source computer vision and machine learning software library. It provides tools and functions that enable developers to work with images and videos, making it a crucial tool in the fields of computer vision, robotics, and artificial intelligence. OpenCV is highly versatile and supports a wide range of programming languages, making it accessible to developers with varying language preferences and skill levels. In this blog, we will explore which programming languages are officially supported by OpenCV and understand the advantages of each choice.

Which Programming Languages are Officially Supported by OpenCV?


C++ is the primary programming language for OpenCV development, and it is the language in which OpenCV was initially written. OpenCV provides a comprehensive C++ interface, and most of its core functions and libraries are designed to be used with C++. This makes C++ the go-to choice for developers who require high performance and real-time computer vision applications. C++ is a statically typed language, which means that it is compiled before running, ensuring efficient and fast execution.

Key advantages of using C++ with OpenCV:

  • High Performance: C++ offers a level of performance that is hard to match with other languages. This makes it suitable for applications where real-time processing and efficiency are crucial.
  • Extensive Documentation: The C++ interface of OpenCV has extensive documentation, making it easier for developers to find resources and get started with their projects.
  • Availability of Pre-built Libraries: Many pre-built computer vision libraries and tools are available for C++, simplifying complex tasks and accelerating development.
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Python is another officially supported programming language by OpenCV. Python is known for its simplicity and readability, which makes it a popular choice for developers, especially those who are new to computer vision or programming in general. OpenCV’s Python interface provides access to most of the library’s features, making it a versatile choice for various applications.

Key advantages of using Python with OpenCV:

  • Ease of Use: Python is renowned for its straightforward syntax and readability, making it accessible to developers with diverse backgrounds.
  • Rapid Prototyping: Python allows for rapid prototyping and experimentation, which can be valuable during the development phase of computer vision projects.
  • Large Community and Libraries: Python has a big community of developers and a rich ecosystem of libraries, which can be leveraged in conjunction with OpenCV.


Java is also officially supported by OpenCV, although its usage is less common compared to C++ and Python. Java is known for its platform independence and portability, which makes it a suitable choice for cross-platform applications. OpenCV’s Java interface provides access to many essential features and functions, enabling developers to create Java-based computer vision applications.

Key advantages of using Java with OpenCV:

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Java applications can run on different platforms with little to no modification, making it a great choice for cross-platform development.
  • Strong Object-Oriented Programming: Java’s object-oriented programming features are well-suited for managing complex computer vision applications.
  • Integration with Android: Java is the primary programming language for Android app development, and OpenCV’s Java interface is crucial for building computer vision apps on Android.

Other Supported Languages

In addition to C++, Python, and Java, OpenCV also offers experimental support for other programming languages like C#, Ruby, and MATLAB. While these languages may not have as comprehensive support as the primary three, they can still be used for specific projects or scenarios where they are the preferred choice.

  • C#: OpenCV provides a wrapper for C# developers to use its functionality. This is especially useful for Windows-based applications and platforms that require C#.
  • Ruby: Although less common, OpenCV has a Ruby binding that can be used for scripting and web applications.
  • MATLAB: OpenCV can be interfaced with MATLAB, a popular tool for scientific and engineering applications, allowing MATLAB users to leverage OpenCV’s computer vision capabilities.

Choosing the Right Language for Your Project

The choice of programming language for your OpenCV project depends on various factors, including your familiarity with the language, the project’s requirements, and the desired platform. Here are some considerations to help you make the right choice:

  1. Performance: If you require high performance and real-time processing, C++ is the preferred choice. It excels in tasks where efficiency is crucial.
  2. Ease of Use: Python is an excellent choice for beginners and rapid prototyping. It offers a gentle learning curve and is well-suited for experimentation.
  3. Cross-Platform: Java is ideal for cross-platform applications and Android development. It provides the advantage of platform independence.
  4. Integration: Consider the existing ecosystem and libraries of the chosen language. Some languages, like Python, have a rich community and many additional libraries that can be used alongside OpenCV.
  5. Project Requirements: Some languages may be more suitable for specific projects or platforms. For example, C# may be preferable for Windows applications, while MATLAB is well-suited for scientific research.


OpenCV’s official support for multiple programming languages makes it accessible to a huge audience of developers. Whether you are aiming for high performance, ease of use, cross-platform compatibility, or integration with specific platforms, OpenCV provides you with the flexibility to choose the language that best suits your project’s needs. By understanding the advantages of each language and considering your project’s requirements, you can make an informed decision on which programming language to use with OpenCV. 

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