Learn What Is Database Management System By DBMS Experts

what is database management system

We all have heard of the term database management system. But, what is database management system? Well, this is what we are going to discuss in this blog. 

The world of data is continuously changing and emerging every minute. This has generated an entirely new direction of growth and difficulties for organizations around the world. With the help of a database management system by carefully recording, updating, and tracking data on an effective and consistent basis, organizations can address their difficulties and use the immense potential given by this sector.

By collecting and updating data every minute, companies are using the data to accomplish their goals systematically and strategically empower their company. Some of the actions carried after gathering data involve creating accounting reports, calculating sales estimates, and creating customer statements.

Below I will be listing down some of the characteristics and advantages of the database management system but before that let us see what is database management system.

What Is Database Management System?

A database management system, commonly known as DBMS, is a collection of records. DBMS are intended to maintain all the records. It is system software that allows us to effectively collect, transfer, manage, and obtain data from a database, and organizations can address their difficulties. 

A database usually controls the information format, field names, record structure, and file structure. Moreover, it sets rules to check and manage this data. There is a common usage of DBMS in many sectors, including banking, airlines, universities, human resources, manufacturing and sales, and many more.

Hope you are cleared with what is database management system. Let us see some of its characteristics.

Characteristics of DBMS

  • DBMS utilizes a digital repository built on a server to collect and maintain the data.
  • The database management system can give a precise and logical view of the method that handles data.
  • It includes automatic backup and restoration procedures.
  • It has ACID(atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) features that have data in a good state in case of failure.
  • DBMS can overcome the problematic connection between data.
  • The database management system is utilized to help the manipulation and data processing.
  • DBMS is used to give security of data.
  • It can observe the database from various viewpoints according to the user’s requirements.

What are the 4 types of DBMS?

Four Types of DBMS systems are:

  • Hierarchical database
  • Network database
  • Relational database
  • Object-Oriented database

Hierarchical DBMS

In this database, model data is arranged in a tree-like arrangement. Information is Collected Hierarchically (top-down or bottom-up) approaches. Data is described using a parent-child connection. Moreover, In the Hierarchical database management system, the parent may have several children, but children have only one parent.

Network Model

The network model DBMS enables each child to have several parents. It assists you in addressing the requirement to model more complicated connections like the orders/parts’ many-to-many relationship. In the network model, entities are arranged in a graph which you can access through different paths.

Relational model

The relational database management system is the most extensively used because it is one of the most straightforward models. This model is based on normalizing data in the rows and columns of the tables. Relational model collected in fixed structures and managed using a structure query language.

Object-Oriented Model

In this DBMS Model, data collected in the form of objects. The structure, which described by classes that display data within it. It represents a database as a group of objects which collects both data members’ values and operations.

Functions of a DBMS

So, what does a database management system really do? It secures your files to provide you more control over your data.

A database management system makes it feasible for you to create, edit and update data in database files. Once created, the database management system can collect and recover data from those database files.

More significantly, a database management system gives the following functions:

  • Concurrency: simultaneous access to the same Database by various users
  • Backup and recovery: to back up the data daily and recover data if a problem happens
  • Security: safety rules to manage access rights of users
  • Integrity: database structure enhance the data integrity of the data
  • Data descriptions: a data dictionary describes the data

Database development is typically managed by database administrators (DBAs) and other experts within a company. This guarantees the database structure is effective and safe.

Why is Database Management Important?

Database management is commonly used to collect, store, update and maintain the data in a computer system. The database is growing these days immensely, and I have already discussed above that the world of data is continuously changing and emerging every minute. Therefore, it is important to know the database management system. 

Above you have seen what is database management system, but now I will list down some of the importance of DBMS. For your better understanding I have provided a graph that will help you know why Database management is so important for one to study.

Here are some of its importance:

  • The importance of DBMS is it can maintain data consistency and reduce data repetition.
  • Database management supports data authentication.
  • It makes the data management process easy and smooth.
  • Database management maintains data security.
  • The development of helpful application programs can be achievable in no matter of time.


A database is a collection of related data which represents some aspect of the real world. Database management system gives security and eliminates redundancy, and it has many benefits over the traditional Flat File management system. That is why people need to know the database management system. 

We have included all the necessary information regarding DBMS, like what is database management system and why it is important to learn databases. Moreover, we have also explained its types and characteristics.In case you need more information regarding Database management, you can get in touch with us. We will help you in the best possible way or you can take our database management assignment help or database management homework help and many other DBMS related topics help.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the four types of Databases?

Hierarchical Database
Network database
Relational Database
Object-Oriented Database

Why is Database important?

Databases can store huge numbers of records efficiently (they take up little space). It is simple to add new data and to update or remove old data. Data can be easily found, For instance, ‘find all Tesla cars’.

What does the database management system explain?

A Database Management System (commonly known as DBMS) is to collect, recover, define, and manipulate data in a database.

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