Top 11 Weird Programming Languages In Use [2024]

weird programming languages

In the ever-expanding universe of programming languages, where Python, Java, and C++ dominate the technological landscape, there is an intriguing niche that beckons the curious and the adventurous— the realm of “weird” programming languages. Beyond the familiar syntax and structures of mainstream languages lies a fascinating subculture of coding that defies convention and embraces the unconventional.

The significance of diversity in the tech world cannot be overstated. Just as biodiversity is essential for a thriving ecosystem, the diversity of weird programming languages fuels innovation and creative problem-solving in the realm of technology. The conventional languages serve as the backbone, but it’s the weird ones that add the spice, the flair, and the unexpected twists to the coder’s journey.

So, join us on this journey through the looking glass of programming, where the rules are rewritten, syntax is reimagined, and the very essence of what constitutes a programming language is questioned. In this realm of weird programming languages, innovation knows no bounds, and creativity knows no limits. Welcome to the playground of the unconventional, where the strange and the extraordinary redefine the art of coding.

Introduction About Weird Programming Language

What makes a programming language weird? It’s not just about complexity but often about the unconventional and sometimes humorous approach to coding. 

A weird programming language, often known as an esoteric language, deviates from conventional coding norms. It goes beyond mere complexity, embracing an unconventional and sometimes humorous approach to coding. These languages, like Brainfuck or Whitespace, challenge the established principles of programming, pushing the boundaries of what is considered normal. The purpose is not just functionality but an exploration of creativity, providing programmers with a unique and often playful way to express themselves within the coding realm.

Key Features of Weird Programming Languages

  • Unconventional Syntax: Weird programming languages often feature syntax that diverges significantly from mainstream languages, challenging traditional coding norms.
  • Limited Applicability: These languages are typically designed for amusement, education, or experimentation rather than practical, real-world applications.
  • Humorous Elements: Esoteric languages often incorporate humor into their design, using unconventional symbols or language constructs to add a playful and whimsical dimension to coding.
  • Challenging and Puzzling: Many weird languages, like Malbolge, present extreme challenges, requiring programmers to think in novel ways and solve problems more as puzzles than routine coding tasks.
  • Artistic Expression: Some weird languages, such as Piet, transcend functional coding to embrace artistic expression, representing code as visual art and introducing a creative dimension to programming.
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List of Best Weird Programming Languages In Use

Here is a complete list of weird programming languages in 2024:

1. Whitespace

Whitespace is a programming language unlike any other, as it ignores all non-whitespace characters. Programs written in Whitespace consist solely of spaces, tabs, and linefeeds. The language relies on the layout of these characters to convey meaning, making it a unique and challenging language for programmers. Developed in 2003 by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris, Whitespace is more of a conceptual experiment than a practical language, often used for code golf and educational purposes.


Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab
   Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab
   Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab
   Tab Tab

(Note: This Whitespace example represents the number 42.)


  • Novelty and Conceptual Learning: Enhances understanding of code structure through whitespace, fostering a unique learning experience.
  • Code Golf: Often used for code golf challenges due to its minimalist nature, promoting concise and efficient code.

2. Malbolge

Regarded as one of the most difficult programming languages, Malbolge was created with the intention of being incomprehensible to humans. Designed by Ben Olmstead in 1998, writing even a simple program in Malbolge is a daunting task. The language employs self-modifying code and operates within a three-dimensional memory model, making it exceptionally challenging to understand or debug.



(Note: Malbolge examples are often complex and challenging to decipher.)


  • Intellectual Challenge: Provides a highly challenging environment, appealing to programmers seeking complex and unconventional problem-solving.
  • Security by Obscurity: Its incomprehensibility adds a layer of security, as understanding and modifying Malbolge code is extremely difficult.

3. Brainfuck

Brainfuck, created by Urban Müller in 1993, is a minimalist programming language with just eight simple commands. While it is Turing complete, writing practical programs in Brainfuck can be a complex and laborious task due to its minimalistic nature. The language is known for its brevity and is often used in programming challenges and puzzles. However, this is one of the best weird programming languages. 



(Note: This Brainfuck program outputs “Hello, World!”)


  • Educational Tool: Ideal for teaching fundamental programming concepts due to its simplicity and focus on basic commands.
  • Code Puzzles: Frequently employed in programming puzzles, enhancing problem-solving skills and creativity.


INTERCAL, short for “Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym,” is a humorous and esoteric programming language designed to be as different from other languages as possible. Developed by Donald R. Woods and James M. Lyon in 1972, INTERCAL features unconventional syntax and commands, such as “PLEASE” and “DO COME FROM.” While it is not widely used for practical purposes, it has gained a cult following for its eccentricity.


DO ,1 <- #13
DO ,1 SUB #1 <- #238
DO ,1 SUB #2 <- #108
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #3 <- #112
DO ,1 SUB #4 <- #121
DO ,1 SUB #5 <- #33
PLEASE DO ,1 SUB #6 <- #10

(Note: An INTERCAL program for outputting “Hello, World!”)


  • Eccentricity: Appeals to programmers seeking a humorous and unconventional language, embracing the playful and eccentric syntax.
  • Unique Concepts: Introduces unique programming concepts like the “COME FROM” statement, providing a different perspective on code execution.

5. ArnoldC

ArnoldC is a programming language inspired by the one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Created by Lauri Hartikka, programs written in ArnoldC are executed with lines inspired by Schwarzenegger’s movie quotes, such as “I’ll be back” or “Hasta la vista, baby.” While it may not be suitable for serious development, ArnoldC adds a humorous and entertaining twist to programming exercises.


TALK TO THE HAND “Hello, World!”

(Note: ArnoldC program that prints “Hello, World!”)


  • Entertainment Value: Injects humor and entertainment into coding, making it a fun choice for less serious programming tasks.
  • Creative Expression: Allows programmers to express creativity by combining programming logic with iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes.

6. Shakespeare Programming Language (SPL)

SPL, created by Karl Hasselström and Karl Hasselström, is a programming language designed to be executed as if it were a Shakespearean play. Variables are characters, and actions are based on the dialogue between characters. For example, the command “Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” might involve a variable named Romeo. While impractical for traditional programming, SPL offers a creative and theatrical approach to coding.


Romeo, a young man with remarkable patience.
Juliet, a woman of the same disposition.


[Enter Romeo and Juliet]

  Am I better than you?

  If so, let us proceed to scene IV.


(Note: A simple SPL script involving Romeo and Juliet.)


  • Creative Storytelling: Encourages programmers to craft code in the form of a story, fostering creativity and narrative thinking.
  • Artistic Approach: Merges art and programming, making SPL a unique platform for expressing ideas in a theatrical manner.


Inspired by the internet meme “LOLcats,” LOLCODE is a programming language that mimics the language and style of the meme. Developed by Adam Lindsay in 2007, LOLCODE features syntax and keywords inspired by internet slang and cat-related humor. While it may not be suitable for serious software development, LOLCODE adds a playful and humorous element to programming. Moreover, this is one of the most popular weird programming languages. 


HAI 1.2
NUM R 42

(Note: A LOLCODE program assigning and displaying the value 42.)


  • Humorous Syntax: Infuses humor into coding through internet slang and cat-related phrases, making it an enjoyable and lighthearted language.
  • Community Engagement: Popular in online communities, LOLCODE fosters a sense of camaraderie among programmers who appreciate its playful nature.

8. Chef

Chef is a domain-specific programming language designed to write programs that look like cooking recipes. Created by David Morgan-Mar in 2002, Chef programs consist of a list of ingredients (variables) and a set of cooking instructions (code). The language adds a creative and unconventional approach to programming, where tasks are framed as culinary steps, making it both amusing and challenging.


Bake a cake.
Take egg from the refrigerator.
Take flour from the cupboard.
Combine egg and flour.
Mix the ingredients.
Pour the mixture into a pan.
Bake for 30 minutes.

(Note: A simple Chef program resembling a cooking recipe.)


  • Creative Abstraction: Allows programmers to think creatively by translating code into culinary terms, fostering a unique problem-solving approach.
  • Educational Value: Enhances understanding of programming concepts through a non-traditional, metaphorical lens.

9. MalbolgeC:

MalbolgeC is a derivative of the Malbolge language, known for its extreme difficulty. Developed by Ørjan Johansen in 2004, it simplifies some aspects of Malbolge while retaining its perplexing nature. Although still challenging, MalbolgeC offers a slightly more accessible entry point for those intrigued by the cryptic nature of Malbolge. Writing programs in MalbolgeC remains a formidable task, appealing to programmers seeking unique and mind-bending challenges. While not widely used for practical purposes, MalbolgeC continues the tradition of pushing the boundaries of esoteric and weird programming languages.



Note: Interpreting and understanding MalbolgeC code can be quite intricate, and even small programs like this one can be hard to comprehend.


  • Cryptic Challenge: Offers an extreme coding challenge, attracting programmers who seek complex and mind-bending experiences in esoteric programming.
  • Derivative Clarity: Simplifies aspects of Malbolge for a slightly more accessible entry without compromising its perplexing nature.

10. Piet

Piet is a programming language where programs are abstracted as images. Developed by David Morgan-Mar, Piet requires programmers to represent code visually as a colored image. The interpreter navigates through the image, executing commands based on color transitions. While Piet is not practical for general-purpose programming, it provides a unique and artistic approach to coding, blending programming with visual design.


  • Visual Coding: Encourages a visual approach to coding, making it an artistic and creative language that appeals to visual thinkers.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Blends programming with visual design, attracting those who appreciate the aesthetic aspect of coding.

11. Ook!

Ook! is a programming language inspired by the antics of monkeys. Created by David Morgan-Mar, Ook! has only three keywords: “Ook,” “Ook?” and “Ook!”. Despite its simplicity, writing meaningful programs in Ook! can be challenging due to its limited vocabulary. The language adds a whimsical and lighthearted element to programming, where programmers communicate through monkey-like expressions to create functional code.


Ook. Ook? Ook.
Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook? Ook! Ook! Ook? Ook! Ook? Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook. Ook.

(Note: An Ook! program that prints “Hello, World!”)


  • Simplicity: Offers a straightforward and minimalistic vocabulary, making it accessible for quick and playful programming tasks.
  • Whimsical Expression: Adds a lighthearted and whimsical element to coding, providing a fun and unconventional programming experience.


In conclusion, delving into the world of weird programming languages is akin to embarking on a delightful adventure within the coding universe. While these languages may not find a place in everyday development, they undeniably enrich the diverse tapestry of coding possibilities. Beyond the practicalities, they serve as a testament to the boundless creativity and humor that programmers infuse into their craft. Embracing these esoteric languages is a reminder that coding is not merely a utilitarian endeavor; it is a dynamic fusion of technical expertise and the sheer joy of expressing oneself through the unconventional and the extraordinary.

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