Top 9 Timeline of Programming Languages

1. Fortran (1957): Early scientific computing language for mathematical calculations.

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2. Lisp (1958): Designed for symbolic processing, influential in AI development.

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3. COBOL (1959): Business-oriented language for data processing and reporting.

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4. BASIC (1964): Beginner-friendly language for educational and simple applications.

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5. C (1972): Powerful, efficient language influencing many modern languages.

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6. Java (1995): Versatile, object-oriented language for web and application development.

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7. Python (1991): Readable, versatile language popular for web and AI applications.

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8. Ruby (1995): Dynamic, object-oriented language known for simplicity and productivity.

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9. Go (2009): Developed by Google, focused on simplicity and efficiency in systems programming

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