7 Great Costco Gifts for New Parents

7 Great Costco Gifts for New Parents

7 Great Costco Gifts for New Parents

1. Diaper Genie: Keeps nursery odor-free with easy disposal.

7 Great Costco Gifts for New Parents

2. Baby Einstein Play Gym: Engages infant with colorful toys.

7 Great Costco Gifts for New Parents

3. Kirkland Signature Baby Wipes: Gentle on baby's skin, economical.

4. Carter's Sleep & Play Sets: Soft, cozy outfits for newborns.

5. Britax Convertible Car Seat: Ensures safety during car rides.

6. Philips Avent Bottle Warmer: Quickly heats milk to ideal temperature.

7. Kirkland Signature Formula: Provides essential nutrients for baby's growth.

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