Top 10 Programming Languages That Will Go Extinct In 2030

Top 10 Programming Languages That Will Go Extinct In 2030

In the fast-paced world of technology, programming languages come and go like passing fads. Just as we saw the rise of languages like Python and JavaScript, we’re now faced with the inevitable question: what would be the top 10 programming languages that will go extinct in 2030? Let’s delve into this detailed topic and explore the factors that could spell doom for certain programming languages.

Methodology: Which Programming Languages That May Go Extinct By 2030

The methodology used to identify the top 10 programming languages that may go extinct by 2030 involves a multi-faceted approach. This approach considers several key factors to determine the likelihood of a language becoming obsolete in the near future. Some of the main criteria taken into account include:

Usage Trends

Analysis of usage statistics and trends over time to gauge the decline in popularity and adoption of a programming language.

Community Support

Evaluation of the level of community support, including active development, forums, and resources available for developers using the language.

Industry Demand

Examination of the demand for skills related to the language in the job market and industry trends indicating a shift away from the language.

Technology Evolution

Consideration of advancements in technology and emerging languages/frameworks that offer superior capabilities and are likely to replace older languages.

Expert Insights

Incorporation of insights from industry experts and leaders in the programming community regarding the future outlook of specific languages.

Using these factors and conducting thorough research, the methodology aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of which programming languages are at risk of extinction by 2030. This data-driven approach helps to inform predictions and identify languages that may become obsolete in the evolving landscape of technology.

Top 10 Programming Languages That Will Go Extinct In 2030

  1. Fortran
  • Once a powerhouse in scientific computing, Fortran has seen dwindling usage due to the rise of more modern alternatives like Python and Julia.
  • Despite its historical significance, Fortran’s rigid syntax and limited capabilities in modern application development make its extinction by 2030 highly probable.
  1. COBOL
  • Widely used in legacy systems, COBOL faces challenges in attracting new developers and adapting to contemporary programming paradigms.
  • The aging workforce familiar with COBOL and the gradual modernization of legacy systems contribute to its eventual demise in the coming decade.
  1. Visual Basic
  • While once popular for Windows application development, Visual Basic has been overshadowed by more versatile languages like C# and Python.
  • Microsoft’s shift towards .NET Core and the decline in demand for desktop applications further diminish Visual Basic’s relevance, signaling its impending extinction.
  1. Perl
  • Known for its powerful text-processing capabilities, Perl has struggled to maintain relevance in the face of competition from languages like Python and Ruby.
  • Perl’s complex syntax and declining support from major tech companies make its extinction a likely outcome by 2030.
  1. Pascal
  • Once a staple in education and software development, Pascal has faded into obscurity with the rise of more expressive and feature-rich languages.
  • The lack of industry demand for Pascal skills and the limited scope of its application contribute to its eventual extinction in the programming landscape.
  1. RPG (Report Program Generator)
  • Primarily used for IBM AS/400 systems, RPG faces challenges in attracting new developers and adapting to modern development practices.
  • The gradual migration away from legacy AS/400 systems and the limited demand for RPG expertise accelerate its decline towards extinction.
  1. Ada
  • Developed for safety-critical applications, Ada struggles to compete with more mainstream languages like C++ and Java in broader software development.
  • Despite its robustness in certain domains, Ada’s niche usage and limited community support foreshadow its eventual extinction by 2030.
  1. Delphi
  • Once popular for rapid application development, Delphi has lost ground to newer frameworks and languages offering superior capabilities and community support.
  • Embarcadero’s shifting focus and the decline in demand for Delphi developers contribute to its gradual decline towards extinction.
  1. ActionScript
  • Historically used for Flash-based web development, ActionScript has become obsolete with the demise of Adobe Flash and the rise of HTML5 and JavaScript.
  • The shift towards open web standards and the decline of Flash-based content seal ActionScript’s fate as an extinct language by 2030.
  1. LISP (List Processing)
  • Revered for its role in artificial intelligence and symbolic computation, LISP has struggled to maintain relevance in mainstream software development.
  • Despite its continued use in niche applications, LISP’s esoteric syntax and limited adoption outside academia contribute to its eventual extinction.

Which Programming Language Has A Future?

Predicting the future of programming languages is complex and can depend on various factors such as technological advancements, industry trends, community support, and developer preferences.

However, several programming languages are currently positioned well for the future based on their versatility, robustness, and widespread adoption. Some of these languages include:

  1. Python: Python’s simplicity, readability, and extensive libraries make it a top choice for various applications, including web development, data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  1. JavaScript: JavaScript continues to dominate web development and is expanding its presence in other areas such as server-side programming (Node.js), mobile app development (React Native), and game development (Unity).
  1. Java: Java remains a popular choice for enterprise-level development, especially in large-scale systems, Android app development, and server-side applications.
  1. Go (Golang): Developed by Google, Go is gaining traction for its concurrency support, efficiency, and ease of use, making it well-suited for building scalable and reliable applications, particularly in cloud computing and microservices architecture.
  1. Kotlin: Kotlin is a popular choice for making Android apps because it works well with Java, has modern features, is easy to understand, and Google backs it up a lot.
  1. Rust: Rust’s focus on safety, performance, and concurrency makes it attractive for systems programming, particularly in areas like embedded systems, game development, and web assembly.
  1. Swift: Swift is the main language used for creating apps on iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers. It has newer features and is safer and faster compared to Objective-C.
  1. TypeScript: TypeScript is like an upgraded version of JavaScript. It helps make code better and easier to manage by adding features like static typing. This makes it a hit for big projects written in JavaScript.

Will AI Replace Programmers?

The question of whether AI will replace programmers entirely is complex and multifaceted. While AI technologies have advanced significantly in recent years, leading to automation of certain programming tasks and code generation, it’s unlikely that AI will completely replace programmers in the foreseeable future. Here’s why:

  • Creativity and Problem-Solving: Programming involves not only writing code but also creative problem-solving and critical thinking. While AI can assist with routine tasks and suggest solutions, human programmers bring creativity, intuition, and domain knowledge to tackle complex problems and design innovative solutions.
  • Understanding Context and Requirements: Programming often requires understanding the context of a project, user requirements, and business objectives. Human programmers excel at interpreting these factors, making judgment calls, and adapting code accordingly, which may be challenging for AI systems.
  • Adaptability and Learning: Human programmers can adapt to new technologies, languages, and paradigms through continuous learning and skill development. While AI can learn from data and improve over time, it may struggle with rapid adaptation to changing environments and unforeseen challenges without human guidance.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Programming often involves collaboration with teams, stakeholders, and clients, requiring effective communication and interpersonal skills. While AI can assist with certain tasks, it lacks the ability to engage in meaningful communication and collaboration in the same way as humans.
  • Ethical and Social Considerations: Programming decisions can have significant ethical and societal implications, requiring moral judgment, empathy, and consideration of diverse perspectives. Human programmers are essential for ensuring responsible and ethical use of technology, which AI alone may not be capable of.

Overall, while AI technologies will continue to augment and enhance the capabilities of programmers, it’s unlikely that they will entirely replace human programmers.

Instead, AI and humans are more likely to collaborate synergistically, with AI assisting programmers in routine tasks, code optimization, and automation, while human programmers focus on higher-level tasks requiring creativity, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making.


As we peer into the future of programming, it’s clear that the dynamic nature of technology will continue to shape the programming landscape. While certain languages may fade into oblivion, new languages and frameworks will emerge to drive innovation and progress in software development.

By staying informed and adaptable, developers can navigate these shifts with confidence and embrace the exciting possibilities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving world of programming. So, keep your eyes on the top 10 programming languages that will go extinct in 2030.

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