What Makes a Good Tech App? 5 Things to Consider

Tech App

Creating a good tech app is neither the easiest nor the cheapest task. Statistics show that only 29% of the apps on the average user’s phone survive over 90 days. All the other ones get ruthlessly deleted.

Want your tech app to make it beyond that point and impress your users? Read on!

5 Things to Consider for Good Tech App

User Experience

The success of your tech app depends on the overall user experience. An average user has 80 apps on their phone. Yet, only around nine of those come in handy – and yours should be one of the nine.

Since users have shorter attention spans nowadays, many of them won’t keep using the application if it’s difficult to navigate. All essential information should be at their fingertips.

Don’t forget to pay attention to users’ queries and feedback, either. Your support team should be prompt in solving their problems. In addition, a good team looks through the comments on the app stores and responds to each one. A good user experience offers higher engagement and LTV (lifetime value).

Want to improve your UX? Pay closer attention to how users interact with your application. Study what’s working properly and where they’re getting stuck. Collect all needed data and improve your tech app according to feedback.


Some users might not think twice about it, but security measures are extremely important when it comes to any app. Over time, both you and the users will see how well they hold up. Based on avoiding possible personal data breaches and leakage, among other security issues, you can tell how reliable an app is. 

Work with a proper development agency to clean off security issues. In addition to that:

  • Pay attention to data storage and sharing encryption;
  • Use HTTPS and SSL protocols when conducting data transfers.
  • Run a background check on third-party libraries beforehand.


Even if you’re a constant iOS user, that doesn’t mean all your customers are the same. That’s exactly why functionality should be the same on at least two main mobile operating systems – iOS and Android. While Android tech apps can be easily uploaded to the app store, you’ll need to wait for Apple’s approval first. Make sure your tech app suits all screen sizes and resolutions, and test it on all systems.

For most users, searching within the app is a perfect additional feature. Consider adding a search bar to use within the app or on the internet in general. Furthermore, specific benefits like earning some extra cash or certain investment features play a huge role in making your app unique! Let your customers do such helpful microtasks as writing paid reviews or taking an occasional survey – it’ll benefit both you and them.


70% of smartphone users won’t wait until your app loads if it’s too slow. Instead, they’ll end up using another one! So, if your app takes more than a few seconds to load a new page, it will end up being deleted. Think about some applications you’ve been using every day. They’re all quick, smooch, and work in an instant. When something bugs out, the team quickly patches it and releases an update. So, ensure that your tech app’s performance is top-notch. 

Regular Updates

Talking about updates, regular ones are just as important when it comes to a tech app. Nowadays, users with short attention spans will be eager to see something new – and will keep your app in their library. 

The top 100 best apps on the market are update every 14 days. Of course, you don’t have to roll out new app versions every two weeks. Yet, work on improving your product, maximizing user satisfaction, and fixing glitches. 

Final Words

So, a good tech app is based on top-notch user experience and data security, perfect app functionality and performance, as well as regular updates. Users will keep a good app in their library and will keep coming back for more. At the same time, your business will grow and attract more customers every day.

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