STEM Fair Project Ideas High School | 60+ Inspiring Topics

STEM Fair Project Ideas High School

Getting ready for the science fair is super fun! It’s your chance to learn about awesome things in science, technology, building, and math. But picking a project can be hard – so many cool ideas!

That’s why we made this list of over 61 amazing STEM fair project ideas for high school students like you. We’ve got everything – from cells and chemicals to computers and buildings.

Like learning about the environment? We have projects on that. Want to make the next big invention? Yup, ideas for that, too. More into just watching and learning about wild science stuff? Don’t worry, we have that too.

No matter what kind of science, technology, building, or math excites you, there’s a project here to explore your interests. 

Science fairs let you show off your problem-solving skills and love of learning new things. So look, find a topic that sparks your curiosity, and get ready to wow everyone with your amazing skills!

What Is A STEM Fair Project?

A STEM fair project is a special school science project. Students pick a topic they are interested in, such as science and technology, math, or engineering. Then, they experiment to find the answer to a question they have about their topic.

To make a STEM fair project, students:

  • Choose a question to explore
  • Learn more about the topic by reading books and articles
  • Guess what might happen in their experiment
  • Design and do the experiment step-by-step
  • Record what happens and look closely at the results
  • Figure out if their guess was right or wrong
  • Make charts and write a report to show what they learned
  • Give a talk about their project to share their work

The objective is for understudies to have a good time discovering science and innovation by doing their ventures from beginning to end. Making a STEM fair undertaking assists understudies with building abilities like posing great inquiries. These are useful talents for future jobs in science and engineering fields.

Note: Also read “Kindergarten Project-Based Learning Ideas“.

Top 60+ STEM Fair Project Ideas High School

High school students’ top 60+ STEM fair project ideas are provided according to different categories and streams. 


  1. Testing different plant foods to see which helps plants grow best.
  2. Seeing how different colors of light affect algae growth.
  3. Trying natural and fake medicine to see which fights germs better.
  4. Seeing how exercise affects heart rate.
  5. Testing if animals act differently to different types of music.
  6. Checking how acidic soil affects mushroom growth.
  7. Testing how heat affects yeast, making bubbles.
  8. Looking at tiny living things in different types of dirt.
  9. Seeing how pollution affects water animals.
  10. Testing if natural stuff keeps bugs away.


  1. Trying different ways to clean dirty water.
  2. Testing if sweeteners make germs grow.
  3. Checking what’s in common cleaners.
  4. Seeing how fast stuff reacts when it’s hot.
  5. Checking if bottled water is too acidic.
  6. Trying out natural and fake dyes for coloring.
  7. Testing different kinds of plastic that break down.
  8. Checking what’s in sunblock.
  9. Seeing how long food stays good with preservatives.
  10. Testing how to make food last longer with no chemicals.


  1. Seeing if heavier things fall faster.
  2. Testing how well different clean energy sources work.
  3. Checking if heat makes things let electricity pass easier.
  4. Seeing what stuff magnets stick to.
  5. Checking if light bounces off things at different angles.
  6. Seeing if air pushes paper planes differently.
  7. Looking at how lenses change what we see.
  8. Testing if sound travels faster in hot stuff.
  9. Checking what makes solar panels work best.
  10. Seeing how to make electricity from magnets.


  1. Making a small garden with no soil.
  2. Building a little bridge and seeing how much it holds.
  3. Making a machine that cleans water for people.
  4. Making a robot arm that moves.
  5. Building a mini windmill that makes power.
  6. Making a toy roller coaster and seeing how it works.
  7. Making a new bike helmet that works better.
  8. Building a toy building that doesn’t fall when you shake it.
  9. Making a toy rocket that flies.
  10. Making a little dam and seeing what happens to the water.

Computer Science

  1. Making a phone app that tells people about recycling.
  2. Making a computer game about animals having babies.
  3. Making a website that talks about the earth.
  4. Making a game that teaches kids to write code.
  5. Making a computer brain that knows what plants are.
  6. Making a big book of weather on the computer.
  7. Making a computer game about sicknesses spreading.
  8. Making a robot that talks about animals.
  9. Making a computer that knows what animals are in pictures.
  10. Making a fake world on the computer with animals in it.

Earth and Environmental Science

  1. Seeing if cutting down trees hurts animals.
  2. Checking if the ocean is getting sour hurts coral.
  3. Seeing if dirt gets lost when we step on it.
  4. Seeing if birds move because of weather.
  5. Checking if cities make the air dirty.
  6. Trying different ways to stop dirt from going away.
  7. Seeing if the ocean getting higher makes beaches go away.
  8. Checking if oil in the ocean hurts fish.
  9. Seeing if dirt from farms makes the water dirty.
  10. Trying different ways to stop making air dirty.
  11. Seeing if cutting down trees makes the weather different.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a STEM Fair Project

Here are some factors you should consider while choosing a STEM fair project idea. 

  1. Personal Interest – Select a topic that you find genuinely fascinating. Your natural passion will sustain motivation and make the research process more engaging.
  1. Academic Subjects – Identify projects aligned with subjects you study in school, as you can leverage this existing knowledge and coursework to support your experiments.
  1. Real-World Applications – Opt for ideas that investigate timely, practical problems in the world or have the potential to impact communities. This relevance enhances the project’s significance.
  1. Resource Availability – Ensure you can access the tools, supplies, technology, and expert guidance required to complete your chosen project feasibly. Advanced projects often require specialized equipment.
  1. Project Scope – Define a specific idea yet allow room for in-depth exploration, given time and page limits. Overly broad or narrow topics can be challenging.
  1. Safety – Prioritize experiments that do not necessitate hazardous chemicals, electrical work, or other risky procedures. Advisors are hesitant to approve dangerous projects.
  1. Adult Supervision – For higher-risk studies, confirm an experienced adult mentor who can closely oversee safety protocols, equipment usage, etc.
  1. Originality – Develop a unique project idea rather than replicating previous science fair experiments. Add your creative twist to build upon existing research.
  1. Presentation – Consider how you can effectively communicate and visually showcase your question, methods, results, and conclusions using graphs, models, photographs, etc.
  1. Competition Rules – Carefully review all requirements from competition guidelines regarding project size, display elements, forms, documentation, and any prohibited procedures.

The ideal STEM fair topic sparks your curiosity, leverages your academic strengths, develops new skills, explores real-world issues, and aligns with all safety protocols and competition rules.

Wrapping Up

Making a STEM fair project is a fun way for high school students to explore science topics they find interesting. This blog shares over 60 cool project ideas in different science, technology, engineering, and math subjects like studying materials, building robots, and more. With so many choices, every student can find a project they are excited about.

When picking a project, students should consider their hobbies, what they are learning in school, and how to make something helpful for the world. Having a project they really like will make the whole experience better.

Doing their research experiments and sharing their findings helps students build important skills. These include asking good questions, solving new problems, and discussing complex topics. Building these talents now will prepare students for future learning and jobs.

Overall, entering a science fair lets students have fun discovering more about how the world works. STEM fair projects allow creativity, improve knowledge and get students interested in future science careers. With hard work on a project they care about, students can make a positive difference through their curiosity.


Why should students make science fair projects?

Doing a project lets students explore science topics they like. It helps build skills and gets them excited about future science jobs.

How do students pick a good project idea?

Students should choose projects they find very interesting. They can pick from topics they are learning about in their classes. Projects that solve real-world problems are also great choices.

What are some good things about making a project?

Projects help students ask better questions, share ideas clearly, and gain confidence in their abilities. Students learn how to do experiments and understand science more deeply.

Are hard projects dangerous?

Some complex projects need special equipment that students should not use alone. An adult should always supervise to make sure safety rules are followed.

How can projects help students later on?

The skills from making projects prepare students for science majors in college and future jobs. Projects show students are curious and willing to work hard.

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