What is Smalltalk Programming Language and Its Uses

smalltalk programming language

In the dynamic realm of programming languages, one name stands out for its revolutionary approach and lasting impact – Smalltalk. Originating in the early 1970s at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Smalltalk emerged as a pioneer in object-oriented programming. This blog delves into the essence of Smalltalk, exploring its key features, syntax intricacies, and real-world applications. 

As we navigate the landscape of Smalltalk, we’ll uncover its advantages, challenges, and the vibrant community that keeps its legacy alive. Join us on this journey to unravel the story behind Smalltalk and understand why it continues to hold a unique position in the ever-evolving world of programming.

What is the Smalltalk Programming Language?

Smalltalk is a “pure” object-oriented programming language, which means that everything in Smalltalk is an object. It has a very readable, English-like syntax, making it easy to learn and understand. Smalltalk has influenced many other programming languages like C, Python, Ruby, and Java. It was created in the 1970s to investigate teaching programming to children and is widely used in web applications, the Internet of Things (IoT), medical fields, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other industrial fields

History of Smalltalk Programming Language

Smalltalk is a programming language that was created in the 1970s by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg, and other members of Kay’s Learning Research Group (LRG) at Xerox PARC. It was developed to investigate teaching programming to children. It had a programming language, a development environment, and a graphical user interface (GUI). The Alto computer from PARC was used to run it. 

Smalltalk was one of the earliest object-oriented programming languages and can be said to be extremely “pure” in its object model. Smalltalk has influenced many other programming languages like C, Python, Ruby, and Java. The development of Smalltalk-80 was led by Dan Ingalls, and licenses were granted to four corporate partners who would develop Smalltalk to run on their own Tektronix, DEC, Apple, and HP. Smalltalk has many brilliant innovations, including being the first-ever IDE, providing programmatic support for a GUI with a mouse, and being built out of a small number of powerful ideas that work together extremely well

Example of Smalltalk Programming Language

Let’s explore a simple example of a “Hello, World!” program in Smalltalk. Smalltalk has a unique syntax that revolves around objects and messages.

“HelloWorld class definition”
Object subclass: HelloWorld [
    “HelloWorld method to print the message”
    HelloWorld class >> sayHello [
        Transcript show: ‘Hello, World!’; nl.

“Create an instance of HelloWorld class”
helloWorldInstance := HelloWorld new.

“Invoke the sayHello method on the instance”
helloWorldInstance sayHello.

Let’s break down this example:

  • We define a new class named HelloWorld as a subclass of the built-in Object class.
  • Inside the class, we create a method sayHello using the >> syntax, which prints the message ‘Hello, World!’ to the Transcript. The nl method adds a newline for clarity.
  • We then create an instance of the HelloWorld class named helloWorldInstance.
  • Finally, we invoke the sayHello method on our instance, leading to the display of ‘Hello, World!’ in the Transcript.

This example showcases Smalltalk’s object-oriented nature and its focus on message passing between objects. Smalltalk’s simplicity and readability make it an elegant language for expressing concepts clearly and intuitively.

Also Read: Oberon Programming Language

Key Features of Smalltalk Programming

Smalltalk is a programming language with several key features that make it unique and influential. Some of these features include:

1. Object-Oriented

Smalltalk is a pure object-oriented language, meaning that everything in Smalltalk is an object, including numbers, characters, and even classes themselves. This allows for a more natural and expressive way of programming.

2. Live Coding

Smalltalk’s development environment supports live coding, enabling developers to modify and experiment with code while the program is running. This promotes an interactive and iterative development process, allowing for quick feedback and rapid prototyping.

3. Image-Based Development

Smalltalk’s development environment is based on an image, which is a snapshot of the entire system’s state, including objects, classes, and methods. Developers work within this image, making changes, adding new code, and interacting with objects in a highly interactive manner.

4. Messaging and Method Dispatch

Smalltalk uses message passing for communication between objects, which triggers the execution of methods associated with the receiving object. This approach emphasizes the importance of objects and their interactions.

5. Highly Readable Syntax

Smalltalk has a very readable, English-like syntax, making it easy to learn and understand. This is in contrast to many other programming languages that use more complex syntax.

6. Influence on Other Languages

Smalltalk has influenced many other programming languages, such as C, Python, Ruby, Java, and more. Its influence can be seen in the object-oriented nature of these languages, as well as in their support for dynamic binding and message passing.

These features make Smalltalk a powerful and influential programming language, even though it may have a steeper learning curve compared to other languages.

Understanding the Syntax of Smalltalk Programming

Smalltalk’s syntax is designed to be highly readable and expressive, emphasizing the clarity of code. Smalltalk-80 syntax is minimalist, based on only a handful of declarations and reserved words. In fact, only six “keywords” are reserved in Smalltalk. Smalltalk’s syntax is based almost entirely on message passing: sending messages to objects. Even its control structures, like conditionals and iteration, are implemented as messages are sent. 

Smalltalk uses message passing for communication between objects, which triggers the execution of methods associated with the receiving object. Smalltalk’s syntax is designed to be similar to plain English, making it easier for beginners to understand. Smalltalk’s development environment supports live coding, allowing developers to modify and experiment with code while the program is running. This promotes an interactive and iterative development process, enabling quick feedback and rapid prototyping

Here is a simple syntax example of a “Hello World” program in Smalltalk:

Transcript show: ‘Hello, world!’

What is Smalltalk Programming Language Used For

The Smalltalk programming language finds application in various domains, making it a versatile tool in the software development landscape. Some of its primary uses include:

1. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development

Smalltalk is often employed for creating intuitive and interactive graphical user interfaces. Its object-oriented nature and dynamic typing make it well-suited for designing visually appealing and user-friendly applications.

2. Educational Software

Smalltalk has been utilized in the development of educational software, particularly in teaching programming concepts. Its simplicity and readability make it an excellent choice for introducing programming to beginners.

3. Rapid Prototyping

Due to its dynamic nature and live programming environment, Smalltalk is favored for rapid prototyping. Developers can quickly iterate and refine their code, making it an effective language for experimenting and testing ideas.

4. Real-Time Systems

Smalltalk’s ability to support real-time systems makes it suitable for applications that require quick and efficient processing, such as simulations and control systems.

5. Research and Experimentation

Smalltalk is commonly used in research settings and experimental projects due to its expressive syntax and ease of modification during runtime. This makes it a valuable language for exploring new ideas and concepts.

While Smalltalk may not be as widespread as some mainstream languages, its unique features and adaptability make it a valuable choice in specific niches where its strengths can be leveraged effectively.

Smalltalk Programming Language Pros and Cons

Smalltalk is a versatile programming language with various advantages and disadvantages. Here are some pros and cons of using Smalltalk:


  1. Pure Object-Oriented Language: Smalltalk is a fully object-oriented language, which means that everything in Smalltalk is an object, including numbers, characters, and classes themselves.
  1. Highly Readable Syntax: Smalltalk has a very readable, English-like syntax, making it easy to learn and understand.
  1. Live Coding: Smalltalk’s development environment supports live coding, allowing developers to modify and experiment with code while the program is running. This promotes an interactive and iterative development process, enabling quick feedback and rapid prototyping.
  1. Image-Based Development: Smalltalk’s development environment is based on an image, which is a snapshot of the entire system’s state, including objects, classes, and methods. Developers work within this image, making changes, adding new code, and interacting with objects in a highly interactive manner.
  1. Influence on Other Languages: Smalltalk has influenced many other programming languages like C, Python, Ruby, and Java. Its influence can be seen in the object-oriented nature of these languages, as well as in their support for dynamic binding and message passing.


  1. Limited Popularity: Smalltalk is not as widely used as some other programming languages like Python, Java, or JavaScript. This may make it more challenging to find resources, support, and a community for learning and using the language.
  1. Steep Learning Curve: Smalltalk’s syntax and development environment can be more difficult to learn compared to other programming languages with a more conventional approach. This may make it harder for beginners to get started with Smalltalk.
  1. Interaction Challenges: While Smalltalk’s interactive development environment allows for quick feedback and rapid prototyping, it may also present challenges for developers who prefer a more traditional, compile-and-run approach to software development.

Overall, Smalltalk has several advantages that make it an interesting and influential programming language. However, its limited popularity and steep learning curve may be drawbacks for some developers

How Long Will It Take to Learn Smalltalk Programming Language?

Learning Smalltalk can take a varying amount of time depending on your background, programming experience, and the resources you use to learn the language. However, it is generally easier to learn than other programming languages due to its simplicity, dynamic nature, and highly interactive development environment. Some factors that can influence the time it takes to learn Smalltalk include:

  • Familiarity with object-oriented programming: If you have experience with other object-oriented languages like Java, Python, or Ruby, you may find learning Smalltalk easier, as it shares many similarities with these languages.
  • Programming experience: If you have prior programming experience, you may be able to learn Smalltalk more quickly than someone who is new to programming.
  • Resources for learning: There are various resources available for learning Smalltalk, such as online tutorials, books, and forums. The time it takes to learn the language will depend on the resources you use and how much time you dedicate to learning and practicing.
  • Personal interest and motivation: Your personal interest and motivation to learn Smalltalk can also influence how long it takes to master the language. If you find the language interesting and engaging, you may learn it more quickly.

Overall, the time it takes to learn Smalltalk can vary greatly. Still, it is generally considered to be a beginner-friendly language that can be learned within a few months of consistent practice and study.


In conclusion, the Smalltalk programming language stands as a testament to the enduring principles of simplicity, object orientation, and adaptability. Its unique features, including a live programming environment and dynamic typing, make it a distinctive choice in the diverse landscape of programming languages. Despite facing challenges and not achieving mainstream popularity, Smalltalk continues to hold relevance in specific niches, such as GUI development and educational software. 

Whether you’re captivated by its elegant syntax or intrigued by its historical contributions, delving into Smalltalk promises a journey that transcends traditional coding paradigms, offering a rich experience for those who embrace its principles. As we navigate the realms of objects and messages, Smalltalk remains a language that invites exploration and appreciation for the artistry of code.

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