Ruby vs JavaScript: Top 7 differences You Should learn

ruby vs javascript

Ruby and Javascript are in high demand and lucrative web development programming languages. Each programming language has its own distinct advantages. That’s why, when deciding which one to learn, Ruby or JavaScript, you should consider several factors.

They both are object-oriented languages and develop web applications. JavaScript is a programming language that is used for a client-side application, server-side, browser-level interactions, and changes. On the other hand, Ruby is a back-end as well as front-end development programming language. Ruby and JavaScript are both good languages to start learning how to code. Some of you might have already gone through both programming languages’ concepts. But some of you might be just a beginner. Let’s first check the short overview of both programming languages and their highlighting features. 

Let’s begin,

What are Ruby and JavaScript?


Ruby is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It supports multiple programming patterns, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. It is also designed to enforce good programming habits and make you an overall better coder.

Ruby is also object-oriented, like JavaScript. It’s flexible because it allows programmers to improve their functions by changing different parts of the language. 


  • Ruby can be immersed into Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
  • It is used to write standard gateway interface scripts.
  • Ruby installed in windows and POSIX program.
  • It is open-source and is freely available on the web.


JavaScript language is a scripting language used to create and control dynamic website content. It is anything that refreshes, or else changes on the screen without requiring you to reload a web page manually. It is a programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages.

JavaScript was created to make web pages alive. It is a high-level,  scripting language, which means JavaScript is not compiled; it is analyzed on the spot at runtime. JavaScript is also an object-oriented programming language, like the Java language.


  • Animated graphics
  • Photo slideshows
  • Autocomplete text suggestion
  • Interactive forms

Ruby vs JavaScript: Popularity

As you see in the graph, JavaScript is more preferred than ruby. In Dec 2020, JavaScript was ranked on position 7, and ruby was ranked on position 15. Again in Dec 2021, JavaScript remained on position 7, and ruby was ranked on position 15. They will not change their position and remain constant. Ruby applications are difficult to troubleshoot as it has multiple layers of abstraction, due to which it will take more time to fix errors. In contrast, JavaScript applications are easy to troubleshoot compared to Ruby.

Ruby vs JavaScript: Differences between Both

DefinitionIt is an object-oriented, dynamic, general scripting language that is interpreted rather than compiled during runtime, which will support the creation of objects, and users can modify multiple data at a time using objects by programmers.It is an object-oriented scripting language, dynamic language, interpreted rather than compiled during compile time. We can create elements called objects and operate objects’ data by programmers
Syntactic differenceIn ruby, variable declaration and assignment are easy compared to JavaScript, and hashes are defined as hash_name and access key’s value as hash_name.In JavaScript, variable declaration and assignment is a little longer than ruby, and hashes are defined as objects and access their value as hash_name.key- >value.
Programming languageRuby is a backend programming language by which we can generate JavaScript and HTML pages that run on the server-side and can interact with the database.JavaScript is a front-end programming language, mainly used for client-side applications and browser-level interactions.
Learning curveRuby also has various resources for learning from online sources, online forums, and communities by which we can learn by ourselves. JavaScript has immense documentation, online sources, online forums, and communities by which one can learn easily, as we can see its execution in the browser promptly.
PerformanceRuby is very slow in performance which is a bottleneck for it. Sometimes rectifying ruby applications is a time-consuming and complex process due to its abstract nature.JavaScript is more than 20 times faster than ruby in some instances due to its highly optimized engine.
ScalabilityRuby is not as scalable as JavaScript, and so many companies migrated from ruby to JavaScript due to scalability, such as the New York Times, Uber, and PayPal, etc.JavaScript is more scalable than ruby due to Node.JS as it provides better performance with fewer services.
When to useRuby can be used to develop CPU-heavy applications and rapid application development with few lines of code.JavaScript can be used if your application needs to develop less time, performance, and scalability.

Ruby vs JavaScript: Name of the companies using These Languages

Google uses JavaScript for world-known services like Gmail and Google docs and other famous JavaScript frameworks- Angular JavaScript was developed by Google itself. They built their platform in Ruby, but developers faced problems in speed and maintainability. One of the top global companies in the hospitality business, Couchsurfing, employs Ruby. The fast speed of the shopping experience is a keystone of their success, so reliable backend technology is important.


  • Microsoft: Microsoft needs to work closely with javascript to build its edge web browser. All browsers need to process and execute javascript efficiently.
  • Paypal: Paypal has been using javascript on the front end of their websites for a long time. The online payment giant was the earliest adopter of NodeJS.
  • Netflix: Netflix started out using java for just about everything. Netflix moved away from its more traditional structure into the cloud and started to introduce NodeJS.
  • Uber: Uber needs to handle loads of data in real-time. Uber needs to track driver location, rider locations and incoming ride requests.
  • Google: Google search results that spring up as your typing get there with javascript. The Gmail web client is powered by javascript.


  • Airbnb: Airbnb is one of the most successful companies and has covered a long journey. Most such companies are navigating towards being full-fledged ruby companies.
  • Github: It has offered source code management and distributed version control with the functionality alongside its features. It is one of the companies that uses ruby.
  • Shopify: Shopify is an incredibly successful e-commerce software platform with over 600,000 online retailers. The company offers easily customizable e-com websites working within the same environment.
  • Zendesk: Zendesk has a cloud-based software service that connects store owners and customer support. It improves customer relationships for businesses by means of manifold devices including tablets and smartphones.
  • Fiverr: Fiverr is an online marketplace providing a two-sided platform for people to purchase and sell a range of digital services normally offered by freelancers.

Is JavaScript similar to ruby?

Besides the Ruby vs JavaScript discussion, it is also necessary that you must know whether these programming languages are similar to each other or not. For this, check this detail. 

These are relatively similar as they both use object-oriented programming; they are dynamic languages, general purposes languages, and scripting languages. Scripting languages support programs written for a unique ‘Runtime environment’ that can interpret rather than compile. Ruby is focused on simplicity and productivity. 

On the other hand, JavaScript has curly syntax, dynamic typing, and first-class functions. This makes it easier for the programmer to manipulate object data. JavaScript rules the internet and while ruby is easy to use, it doesn’t have the performance or market share that JavaScript does. 

Ruby is a worthwhile investment for people looking to learn a new language. Ruby also functions and is easy to learn.

Ruby vs JavaScript: Which is better?

There are two ways: frontend development, or client-side development, and backend development or server-side development. Ruby serves as a backend language. This works by deciding which objects aren’t needed since everything in ruby is an object. It also has a garbage collector, making server-side memory management a breeze. This certainly makes Ruby programs maintainable programs for web development. But you can not ignore the fundamental role that JavaScript plays in a different field.

For the frontend, JavaScript brought us dynamic web pages and creative levels of interactivity to websites. This is because JavaScript is a scripting language built to execute specific tasks in a runtime environment.

Conclusion: Ruby vs JavaScript

We discussed the comparison between Ruby vs JavaScript. It is good to learn both JavaScript and Ruby, as both have their own merits and demerits. We can choose JavaScript and ruby based on project requirements. 

JavaScript is more useful than ruby by considering its features such as scalability, performance, front-end, back-end, etc. We can write powerful Short jokes, so if we want to develop applications that need to be scalable, high performance, then consider JavaScript. JavaScript applications are easy to create, whereas ruby application development requires good programmers with high pay.

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