Python Project Idea: Tips For First Coding Project In Python

Python Project Idea: Tips For First Coding Project In Python

Python project learning can be difficult. You can spend your time watching videos or reading books, but the real struggle is actually to put what you have learned into practice. Or you might lose motivation because you have spent a lot of time learning the syntax of the programming. How can you improve your possibilities of achieving this?

By making the first Python projects. Creating Python projects will help you understand everything about what you are learning. Once you start making Python projects, you will feel like you are making progress. But it can be difficult for beginners to create first python project. Different questions will come to your mind like from where will you start? What makes a good Python project?

Python Project Idea: Tips For First Coding Project In Python

In this article, we have included all the relevant pieces of information regarding the first Python project tips and different ideas for the first python project.

Basic Python Project Ideas For Beginners

  1. Guessing The Number

Create a program that randomly decides a number to choose; after that, you will have several possibilities to choose the number accurately. In every incorrect attempt, the computer will indicate that the number is higher or smaller than the one you have chosen.

import random



print(“Thanks for coming to number guess”)

while guessCheck==”wrong”:

response=int(input(“Please give a number from 0 to 50:”))



except ValueError:

print(“It is not a valid number. Please try again later”)


val=int (response)

if val<number:

print(“This is lower than the actual number. Please try again.”)

elif val>number:

print(“This is higher than the actual number. Please try again.”)


print(“This is the correct number”)


print(“Thanks for using Number Guess. Have a good day”)

Let the correct input value = 13

Sample Output:

Thanks for coming to  Number Guess

Please give a number from 0 to 50:75

This is higher than the actual number. Please try again.

Please give a number from 0 to 50:6

This is lower than the actual number. Please try again.

Please give a number from 0 to 50:4

This is lower than the actual number. Please try again.

Please give a number from 0 to 50:45

This is higher than the actual number. Please try again.

Please give a number from 0 to 50:15

This is higher than the actual number. Please try again.

Please give a number from 0 to 50:10

This is lower than the actual number. Please try again.

Please give a number from 0 to 50:13

This is the correct number

Thanks for using Number Guess. Have a good day 

  1. Binary Search Algorithm

The binary search algorithm is a very efficient method to seek for an element in a long list. The idea is to complete the algorithm that seeks for an element in an index.

index : 0                 1                2               3               4               5              6             7            
    t                 u                t                o                r               i               a              l  
Python Project Idea table-1
Low: tMid: rHigh: lNumber to search: r
Python Project Idea table-2
Mid = [low + high]/2 =[0+7]/2
Python Project Idea table-3

def binarySearchAppr (arr, start, end, x):

# check condition

   if end >= start:

      mid = start + (end- start)//2

      # If element is present at the middle

      if arr[mid] == x:

      return mid

      # If element is smaller than mid

      elif arr[mid] > x:

      return binarySearchAppr(arr, start, mid-1, x)

      # Else the element greator than mid


      return binarySearchAppr(arr, mid+1, end, x)


      # Element is not found in the array

      return -1

arr = sorted([‘t’,’u’,’t’,’o’,’r’,’i’,’a’,’l’])

   x =’r’

   result = binarySearchAppr(arr, 0, len(arr)-1, x)

if result != -1:

   print (“Element is present at index “+str(result))


   print (“Element is not present in array”)


Element is present at index 4

Some additional basic python project ideas are:

  1. Rolling A Dice Simulator in Python

The rolling a dice simulator will reflect the experience of dice rolling. It will create a casual number, and you can repeatedly play to get a number from the dice until you choose to quit the program.

  1. Email Slicer Program

The email slicer is an effective program to get the domain name and username from an email address. You can customize and convey a message to the user with this data.

  1. Desktop Notification Application

A desktop notification application runs on your system and will be utilized to send you notifications after some time. You can utilize the libraries like requests, notify2, etc to make this application.

  1. Python Story Generator

The project will randomly generate stories with a few customizations. You can ask users to include some words like name, action, etc, and then it will transform the stories with the help of your words.

Why ​Projects-Based Learning Is So Effective

Firstly, let’s see why learning based on the project method is so efficient. 

  • It Helps You To Stay Motivation 

First, making Python projects encourages you to learn more efficiently because you can pick a topic or project that fascinates you. 

It encourages you to stay motivated when things get difficult at that time. It is essential for stopping you from giving up.

  • Effectiveness

Another purpose of the best first python project is that there is no gap between getting new skills and putting them into practice. You will not spend time studying unnecessary things, because you will be continuously trying to get the particular things you require to create your project. This will also help you in reaching a lot faster where you want to go. For data science projects, you are trying to learn Python for building data science projects. For example, you are learning Python concepts that might be important for your robotics programming but not for your data science goals.

  • Problem-Solving

Solving problems is a crucial skill for working with Python programming language or working with any other programming language. When you create first python project, you are going to come up with different first python project ideas of addressing problems and resolving them utilizing code. Making Python projects requires you to study what is possibly an essential skill in programming. The more you practice, the more it will help you in solving problems with code, and your skills will also develop faster.

  • Portfolio

This is the final reason that building the python first program for beginners will help you head-start on getting your first job.

Companies want to see whether they have the fundamental skills they want when looking for hiring entry-level competitors. An excellent way of accomplishing this is by a portfolio of essential projects that show your skills. Companies will want to see actual proof of your Python programming skills if you search for the first job in the field. In other words, they will see what type of project you have built so far. 


In this article, we have included all the helpful information regarding the Python project and why project-based learning is so important for you. We have also included some of the python project ideas that are beneficial for beginners which you can solve with ease. Creating Python projects will help you understand everything about you are learning. Once you start making Python projects, you will feel like you are making progress. If you want to increase your python programming skills, you need to get some ideas for first python project from this article and create my first python project.

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