Ultimate Guide to Python Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

Python Interview Questions And Answers For Freshers

If you are interested in learning Python or pursuing a career as a Python developer, this blog is for you. Python is a popular programming language that is used in various industries, such as web development, data science, machine learning, and more. With its simple syntax and ease of use, Python has become developers’ favorite. 

If you are preparing for a job interview in Python, it is important to be well-prepared and understand the language properly. In this blog, we will provide some Python interview questions and answers for freshers that are asked by the interviewer in a real interview. We will cover both basic and advanced topics in Python that are commonly asked in interviews.

We also provide some tips on how to ace your Python interview, including practicing coding challenges, researching the company for which you applied, and asking questions about the position and responsibilities. 

In the end, you will better understand Python and be more confident in answering interview questions.

So stay tuned with us.

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What Is Python?

  • Python is easy to learn and use. It is a high-level programming language.
  • It is used in various fields such as web development, data science, machine learning, and automation.
  • It is an interpreted language, which means that the code can be run directly without the need for compilation.
  • Python has a large standard library, which provides ready-to-use modules for many common programming tasks.
  • Python’s syntax is clean and simple, making it easy to read and write code.

What Is Python Used For?

There are various things that are done with Python, but here are a few of them: 

  • Web development.
  • Data science and analysis.
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning.
  • Automation.
  • Desktop applications.
  • Game Development.
  • IoT and embedded systems.
  • Scientific computing.

Job Outlook For Python Skilled Person In USA In  2023

According to Payscale USA’s latest data, a python skilled person can earn $ 95,000 annually. Moreover, if you are experienced in coding than, your salary is more than $95K.

Here are some jobs a person can do if they have enough knowledge of Python concepts. In addition, we will also mention the average salary of each job will also describe.

Job RoleSalary RangeAverage Salary
Software Engineer$68k – $135k$92,646
Data Scientist$72k – $136k$99,536
Senior Software Engineer$98k – $172k$132,195
Data Engineer$67k – $134k$94,332
Data Analyst$52k – $95k$70,750
Senior Data Scientist$101k – $163k$130,789
Software Developer$55k – $116k$78,293
Also Read: What Is EOF Error In Python

Tips On How To Ace A Python Interview In 2023

Here are some tips for acing the Python interview for the first time as a fresher in 2023:

1. Review The Basics

Make sure you have a good understanding of the basics of Python, such as data types, loops, control structures, functions, and modules. Practice coding exercises and sample problems to build your knowledge and improve your coding skills.

2. Be Prepared For Technical Questions

You may ask questions about data structures, algorithms, and programming concepts. So, familiarize yourself with common data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples, and be ready to apply them in different scenarios.

3. Understand The Problem

When given a programming problem, take time to understand it properly before jumping into coding. Make sure you fully understand the requirements of the problem and ask any clarifying questions you may have.

4. Practice To Write Code

Most of the time in technical interviews, the interviewer can write codes in Python. So you have to practice the codes in writing in advance. This will help you get comfortable with this approach and prepare you for the interview process.

5. Show Your Problem-Solving Skills

Employers want to see that you are a problem solver, not just someone who knows how to code. During the interview, explain your thought process as you work through a problem, and show how you approach the problem-solving process. By this interviewer can check the ability to solve tasks. 

6. Showcase Your Knowledge Of Python Concepts

Students should be prepared to discuss why they love Python and what inspired them to learn it. This will show that you are genuinely interested in the language and can be a valuable team member.

Let us now move to the Python interview questions. You can prepare with these questions and follow the above-mentioned tips, you will definitely get your dream job on the first attempt.

10+ Python Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers That Are Asked In A Real Interview

Here are few questions that you must practice before the interview : 

Q1. What is Python?

Python is used for general-purpose programming. It is well-known for its simplicity, readability, and simple syntax. Python is used a lot for building websites, analyzing data, making AI, and doing scientific computing.

Q2. What is a generator in Python?

A generator is a special type of iterator that can generate a sequence of values. Generators are commonly used for processing large amounts of data that cannot be stored in memory.

Q3. What is the difference between the range() and xrange() functions in Python?

The range() and xrange() functions both generate a sequence of numbers, but xrange() is only available in Python 2.x. The main difference is that range() generates a list of numbers, while xrange() generates a generator object.

Q4. What is a virtual environment in Python?

A virtual environment is a self-contained directory that contains all the necessary dependencies for a Python project. Virtual environments are commonly used to isolate dependencies for different projects and to avoid version conflicts.

Q5. What is a decorator in Python?

A “decorator” is a function that takes another function as an input and changes its behavior without changing the source code of the other function. Decorators are commonly used for logging, caching, and authentication.

Q6. What are the data types in Python?

Python supports several data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers, strings, booleans, lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries.

Q7. What are the advantages of using Python?

Python offers several advantages, including easy-to-learn syntax, readability, simplicity, portability, and many libraries and frameworks. Python’s versatility and cross-platform capabilities make it ideal for developing complex applications.

Q8. Difference between Python 2 and Python 3?

Python 2 and Python 3 are two versions of the Python programming language. The main difference is that Python 2 is no longer actively developed and will not receive any future updates. Python 3, on the other hand, is the current version and is actively being developed and updated.

Q9. What is a Python module?

The module is a file that contains Python code. Modules allow developers to organize code and make it reusable. Modules can be imported into other Python files using the import statement.

Q10. Mention the difference between a list and a tuple in Python.

A list is a mutable data type, which means it can be modified after creation. Conversely, a tuple is an immutable data type, which means it cannot be modified after creation. Tuples are typically used for storing related data that should not be changed.

Q11. List the difference between a class and an object in Python.

A class defines the properties and methods that an object will have, while an object is a specific instance of that class with its unique properties and values.


Well, preparing for a Python job interview can be a tough task, but with the right preparation, you can crack it easily. In this blog, we covered some Python interview questions and answers for freshers and provided some tips on how to ace your interview. By practicing these questions, you can easily score well in the interview and the interviewer will impress from your questions.

Additionally, don’t be afraid to show your knowledge of Python and your way of answering the questions is most important because it is one of the criteria for giving the score. Highlight your strengths and experience if you have, and be honest about your limitations. With these tips and a positive attitude, you can impress your interviewer and land your dream job in Python.

We hope this blog post is helpful to you. Good luck with your Python Interview!

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