Perl vs Python: Significant difference between both the language

Perl vs Python

This is very common when we have different options for programming languages to work on. We constantly compare which is better to start with. There are various facts that a programmer always considers when they need to use a programming language. We can check these facts by comparing both the languages or considering Perl vs Python. 

When we compare these languages, many questions arise in our minds, like 

  • Perl vs Python: Speed
  • Perl vs Python: Performance
  • Perl vs Python: Which is Better?

We’ll ensure that any doubts you have about Python vs Perl are dispelled in this article. Continue reading to expand your knowledge and learn about important facts that you should be aware of before beginning to study a programming language.

We all know how old the Python and Perl languages are and why these languages are in high demand. To make people understand the difference between Python and Perl, here we are going to compare Perl vs. Python. But before we jump straight into the main difference, we will explain both languages through their definitions first.

What Is Perl Programming Language?

Perl is a high-level interpreted, general-purpose and dynamic programming language. By Larry Wall, it was developed in 1987. It was first developed for text processing, like obtaining the necessary data from a designated text file and changing the text file into a distinct form. Perl helps both Object-Oriented and procedural programming. Perl is a lot similar to C syntactically and is simple for the users who have knowledge of C, C++ programming languages.

What Is Python Programming Language?

It is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. By Guido van Rossum it was originally created in 1991 and developed by Python Software Foundation. It was essentially designed for emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to communicate concepts in some lines of code. Due to its rich support and library, it has wide applications in Desktop Applications, Machine Learning, Web development, etc.

Perl vs Python: Features

Below we have listed some of the excellent features of both the programming languages:

Excellent Features of Perl
  • It involves important tools to process text to make it compatible with mark-up languages like XML, HTML.
  • Perl has simple Object-oriented programming syntax.
  • It gives a regular expression engine that can convert any type of text.
  • Several frameworks are written in Perl.
  • It is a cross-platform language.
  • Perl can manage encrypted web data including e-commerce transactions.
  • It is embedded in other systems such as database servers and web servers.
  • It is simply extendible as it supports 25,000 open source modules.
  • Perl is open-source software licensed under GNU.
  • It supports Unicode.
  • It supports third-party databases which include MySQL,
  •  Oracle and many others.
Excellent Features of Python
  • Python learning is easy and also it is simple to use
  • It is more expressive, which means that it is more readable and understandable.Python can work on various platforms such as Unix, Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.
  • Python is an interpreted language.
  • Graphical user interfaces(GUI) generate by using Python.
  • It supports object-oriented language. Concepts of objects and classes come into existence.
  • Python can easily integrate with languages like JAVA, C++, C, etc.
  • Python has a broad library. And gives a rich set of functions and modules for rapid application development.

Perl vs Python: Applications

Applications Of Perl
  • Perl Is Used For Speech Recognition
  • Managing Cloud Data
  • Managing Cloud VMs
  • For Text-To-Speech Translation
  • Software Testing With TAP
  • Use It For Scripting System Administration Tasks
  • Bioinformatics With BioPerl
Applications of Python
  • Web Development. 
  • Software Development. 
  • Game Development. 
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 
  • Scientific and Numeric Applications. 
  • Enterprise-level/Business Applications. 
  • Language Development.
  • Education programs and training courses.

Perl vs Python: Comparison Table

FeaturesPerl Python
IntroductionPerl is a high-level interpreted, general-purpose and dynamic programming language. But some of the successful Perl projects are Bugzilla and CPanel.
Also, it was first developed for text processing like obtaining the necessary data from a designated text file. And for changing the text file into a distinct form. 
Python is a generally used high-level, general-purpose programming language. Because of its rich support and library. Even, it has wide applications in Desktop Applications, Machine Learning, Web development, etc.
File ExtensionTo save Perl Scripts the .pl file extension is used. For example document.plTo save Python Scripts the .py file extension is used. Example:
Whitespaces It does not care about whitespaces.If whitespaces are not according to Python. Then it deals with whitespaces and shows syntax errors. 
LearningCompared to Python, it is a bit hard to learn.
Python learning is easy 
Focus Perl emphasizes support for simple tasks such as file scanning and report generation.Similarly, Python emphasizes support for basic methodologies. Such as data structure design and object-oriented programming.
Some data types held by Perl are Scalars, numeric, string, Hashes, and Arrays.But, some data types included by Python are dictionaries, numeric, strings, tuples, and lists.
Statement BlocksTo mark the statement blocks Perl uses braces.In the same way, to mark the statement blocks Python uses indentations.
Statement EndAlthough, in Perl, all statements should end with a semicolonIt is not required statements end with a semicolon in Python as it deals with whitespaces.
Regular ExpressionPart of the language which makes processing text short and easy.
Likewise, require to deal with methods and functions for regex
Comment The statement that began with # will be recognized as a comment. # This is an Inline comment in Perl for documentation in Perl we use= and =cut For example:=. This is a comment for Perl but it can also be used as documentation also=cut
However, “#” This is an inline comment in Python. Three inverted commas are also can be used as documentation or comment. “This is for python and can be used in documentation as well as in comment “””.

Perl vs Python: Which is Better? 

Generally, this is a question of personal preference, but I would choose Python. It is currently in considerably higher demand, and many exciting things are being done. Python is more likely to be encountered in any firm, especially among startups. Furthermore, becoming an expert in a given language is beneficial. Any pure functional language, a lower-level language, or another field of knowledge is more worthwhile.

Let us Discuss the Disadvantages of Python and Perl

Python Disadvantages

  • Regex and string-based operations are two examples where Python performance is typically slower than Perl.
  • It can be tough to retrieve the type of variable in Python because, in certain circumstances, you must go all the way to the end of the code to get a type of variable, which can be tedious and complex.

Perl Disadvantages

  • Perl’s code is quite complex, making it difficult to grasp for a beginner. For beginners, subroutines and even other symbols like “$”, “&”, etc., are challenging to understand and write. Also, unless you have a lot of familiarity with Perl, reading Perl code can be challenging and complex.
  • Perl programming is a little old because it was never recognized for programming, and several operations like threading are also less prominent in Perl.

Python Versus Perl: Can Python Replace Perl?

Technically, yes, Python can replace Perl in many cases; they are both completely different languages. Both the programming languages are scripting languages, and they are available on most platforms. 

According to the Google trends graph, the demand for Python is high as compared to Perl. Also as you can see in the below-given graph where the blue line denotes Python and the red line denotes Perl. The difference is huge when it comes to Perl vs Python popularity.

Moreover, when it comes to code readability, Python takes a big advantage over Perl. Python’s code is easier to understand than Perl, even when reading code after years.

Companies Using Python And Perl

Below we’re going to tell you about 8 top-tier companies that are using Python and Perl. 

Industrial Light and Magic.Klarna.
Dropbox.Devza Inc.

There are many other major companies that are using these two programming languages but here we have listed the names of top companies.


In the Article Perl Vs Python, as you have seen above we have given some of the differences between Python and Perl. Both Python and Perl are good in their regard as per the applications they target. Python is a bit better than Perl as a first option for a beginner due to its ease and clean understanding of code.

On the other hand, Perl exceeds Python when it comes to string manipulation operations. Also, I hope the given pieces of information About Python versus Perl are enough for you to decide. To illustrate, Which one is better for you to learn first Python or Perl. We have also given some of the features and where both programming languages can be implemented.

As a result, Our Computer Science Homework Help experts are available to provide you with the best help with Perl homework or Python Programming Help.

Also, Read

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Python better than Perl?

Perl is a high-level language that is simpler to learn when compared with the Python language. On the other hand, Python is more robust, scalable, and durable when compared to Perl.

What is the difference between Perl vs Python?

There are a few significant differences between Perl vs Python. Perl needs a semicolon to determine the end of the line, but Python does not require it. Though Perl is not easy to learn, it makes text processing short & straightforward. Whereas Python is easy to understand, and it needs functions for text processing.

How is Perl different from Python?

There are a few distinctions between Perl vs Python. Perl needs a semicolon to indicate the line end, whereas Python doesn’t require it. Perl is not easy to learn; it makes text processing short & straightforward. Whereas Python is easy to understand, and it needs functions for text processing.

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