7 Most Used Programming Languages 2023

Most Used Programming Languages 2023

In 2023, some programming languages are very popular among professional developers and students. JavaScript is the most widely used language, especially for creating websites. Python is another popular language, and beginners often choose it. HTML/CSS, TypeScript, and Bash/Shell are also gaining popularity. 

It’s interesting to see that professionals and students have different preferences. More professionals like SQL, while more students prefer Python. When learning to code, HTML/CSS and JavaScript are often used. So, in summary, JavaScript is the most popular, Python is great for beginners, and HTML/CSS is important for both professionals and learners.

What Is Programming Language?

A programming language is a set of instructions or rules that a computer understands to perform tasks. It is used to write programs or software to solve problems or automate tasks. Different programming languages have their own syntax and features to communicate with computers.

Top 7 Most Used Programming Languages 2023 – For Professional Developers & Students

In 2023, JavaScript was the most widely used programming language for the eleventh consecutive year. Python surpasses SQL to become the third most popular language. However, Python remains the preferred language for non-professional developers and beginners. Bash/Shell, C, Ruby, Perl, and Erlang all move up one spot, while Elixir and Lisp move up two. Lua, an embeddable language, has jumped seven spots since 2022.

The top three tools for developers—JavaScript, HTML/CSS, and SQL—remain unchanged from last year. However, novice coders have a different perspective. HTML/CSS and JavaScript are used almost as frequently as any other language when learning to code. Among student developers, 59% prefer Python over SQL, while 52% of professional coders use SQL more than Python. Those starting to code are more inclined to use Java (37% vs. 31%), C++ (32% vs. 20%), and C (32% vs. 17%) compared to professional developers.

1. Javascript

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive web pages. It is the most popular programming language in the world and is used by over 97% of all websites.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023, JavaScript is the most popular programming language among both professional developers and those learning to code. In the professional developer category, JavaScript was used by 64% of respondents, while in the learning to code category, it was used by 50% of respondents.

Here is a table summarising the popularity of Javascript in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023:

Professional Developer65.82
Learning To Code60.51

Benefits Of Using Javascript

  • JavaScript enhances interactivity and engagement on web pages.
  • It is compatible with all major web browsers.
  • JavaScript reduces server load and improves performance by running on the client side.
  • JavaScript offers many built-in functions and libraries for creating complex applications.
  • It provides real-time form validation, enhancing data accuracy and security.
Hire javascript experts for JavaScript Assignment Help and to learn more about this programming language.


HTML/CSS: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the most fundamental technologies for building web pages. HTML defines the structure of a web page, while CSS defines the look and feel of the page.

Stack Overflow Survey 2023: According to the Stack Overflow Survey 2023, HTML/CSS is the third most popular language among professional developers, with a popularity of 77%. Moreover, it is the most popular language among those learning to code, with a popularity of 88%.

In addition, the following table shows the percentage of HTML/CSS popularity in the Stack Overflow graph as per Professional Developers and as per Learning to Code:

Professional Developer50.83
Learning To Code60.51

Benefits Of Using HTML/CSS

  • HTML creates the structure and content of web pages, defining headings, paragraphs, images, and links.
  • CSS styles the appearance of web pages, allowing for custom colors, fonts, layouts, and responsive design.
  • HTML and CSS are beginner-friendly and widely used languages, making it easier for newcomers to build websites.
  • They provide a consistent and standardized way of creating web pages, ensuring compatibility across browsers and devices.
  • HTML and CSS are the foundation of web development, essential for creating visually appealing, accessible, and user-friendly websites.
Hire HTML experts for HTML assignment help and to learn more about this programming language.

3. Python

Python is a general-purpose, high-level programming language. It is known for its simplicity, readability, and extensive library of modules.

According to the Stack Overflow Survey 2023, Python is professional developers’ third most popular programming language. It is also the most popular language for people learning to code.

In addition, the survey found that Python’s popularity is growing. In 2022, Python was the fourth most popular language among professional developers. And in 2021, it was the fifth most popular language.

Here is a table summarising the popularity of Python in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023:

Professional Developer45.32
Learning To Code56.57

Benefits Of Using Python

  • Python is easy to read and write, making it beginner-friendly and quick to learn.
  • It has a large and active community that provides extensive support, resources, and libraries.
  • Python is versatile and can be used for various applications, from web development to data analysis and machine learning.
  • It has a clear and readable syntax, making code maintenance and collaboration more efficient.
  • Python’s extensive standard library and third-party packages allow for rapid development and implementation of projects.
Hire Python experts for Python programming help and to learn more about this programming language.

4. SQL

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a declarative language used to manage data in relational databases.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023, SQL is the 4th most popular programming language among professional developers (20.8%), and the 3rd most popular programming language among those learning to code (17.9%).

In addition, the survey found that the popularity of SQL has remained relatively stable over the past few years. On the other hand, the popularity of other languages, such as Python and JavaScript, has increased significantly.

Here is a table summarizing the popularity of SQL in the stack overflow developer survey 2023:

Professional Developer51.52
Learning To Code35.29

Benefits Of Using SQL

  • SQL allows for efficient management and organization of large amounts of data.
  • It provides a standard language for interacting with relational databases.
  • SQL is widely supported by database management systems, ensuring platform compatibility.
  • It enables quick and precise retrieval of data through powerful querying capabilities.
  • SQL’s declarative nature simplifies complex data operations and reduces the need for manual data manipulation.
Hire SQL experts for SQL Assignment Help and to learn more about this programming language.

5. Typescript

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language. This makes finding and fixing errors and writing more maintainable code easier.

According to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023, TypeScript is the fifth most popular programming language, with a popularity of 13.7% among professional developers and 11.3% among those learning to code.

In addition, TypeScript is the most wanted language among professional developers, with 63.1% of respondents saying they would like to work with it more. On the other hand, it is only the 13th most dreaded language, with only 7.4% of respondents saying they dislike working with it.

Here is a table of the popularity of TypeScript in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023:

Professional Developer43.75
Learning To Code21.18

Benefits Of Using Typescript

  • TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript, catching errors before runtime and improving code reliability.
  • It enhances code maintainability and scalability by providing features like type inference, interfaces, and classes.
  • TypeScript has excellent tooling support, including powerful code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs).
  • It allows for seamless integration with existing JavaScript codebases, making it easy to adopt.
  • TypeScript has a strong community and a growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, providing extensive resources and support.

6. Bash/Shell

Bash/Shell is a family of command-line interpreters that controls a computer’s operation.

According to the Stack Overflow Survey 2023, Bash/Shell is the 8th most popular programming language among professional developers, with a 19% usage rate. On the other hand, it is the 4th most popular programming language among those learning to code, with a 37% usage rate.

In addition, Bash/Shell is a versatile language that can be used for various tasks, including system administration, scripting, and automation. Moreover, it is a relatively easy language to learn, making it a good choice for beginners.

Here is a table summarizing the popularity of Bash/Shell in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023:

Professional Developer32.74
Learning To Code22.14

Benefits Of Using Bash/Shell

  • Bash/Shell scripting automates repetitive tasks, saving time and effort.
  • It provides powerful command-line utilities for file manipulation, system administration, and network operations.
  • Bash/Shell scripts can be easily shared and executed across different operating systems.
  • It enables the creation of complex workflows and pipelines by chaining together multiple commands.
  • Bash/Shell scripting is lightweight, fast, and efficient, making it ideal for scripting and automation.

7. Java

Java is a general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have lesser implementation dependencies.

On the other hand, according to the Stack Overflow survey 2023, Java is the 4th most popular programming language among professional developers, with a popularity of 20.4%.

Moreover, Java is the 2nd most popular programming language among those learning to code, with a popularity of 17.5%. In addition, Java is a widely used language for developing enterprise applications, mobile applications, and web applications. It is also a popular language for learning to code, as it is a relatively simple language.

Here is a table summarizing the popularity of Java in the Stack Overflow survey 2023:

AudiencePercentage (%)
Professional Developer30.49
Learning To Code35.17

Benefits Of Using Java

  • Java is a widely adopted programming language, offering a vast ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools.
  • It provides platform independence, allowing Java programs to run on different operating systems without recompilation.
  • Java is known for its robustness and reliability, making it suitable for building large-scale and mission-critical applications.
  • It supports object-oriented programming, promoting code reusability, modularity, and maintainability.
  • Java has strong community support, offering extensive documentation, forums, and resources for developers.
Hire java experts for Java Programming Help and to learn more about this programming language.

How To Learn Most Used Programming Languages 2023 – As A Beginner

Here are some tips on how to learn the most used programming languages in 2023 as a beginner:

1. Choose A Language That Interests You

This will make learning the language more enjoyable and rewarding. There are many different programming languages to choose from, so take some time to research the different options and find one that you are interested in.

2. Start With The Basics

Once you have chosen a language, starting with the basics is important. This includes learning about the different data types, operators, and control structures. Many resources are available to help you learn the basics, such as online tutorials, books, and courses.

3. Practise Regularly

The best way to learn a programming language is to practice regularly. Try to set aside some time each day to practice coding. You can practice by writing small programs, working on coding challenges, or contributing to open-source projects.

4. Do Not Be Afraid To Ask For Help

If you get stuck, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are many online forums and communities where you can ask questions and get help from other programmers.

5. Have fun

Learning to code can be a lot of fun. So relax, enjoy the process, and don’t be afraid to experiment.


This is the end of this blog, which is about the most used programming languages in 2023. On the other hand, the most used programming languages in 2023, as per the Stack Overflow survey, are JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Python, SQL, TypeScript, Bash/Shell, and Java. JavaScript remains the dominant language, extensively utilized by both professional developers and learners. HTML/CSS remains crucial for web development, while Python’s versatility and simplicity make it highly favored. 

SQL is essential for managing databases, and TypeScript’s static typing gains popularity. Bash/Shell excels in automation and system administration, and Java is widely employed in enterprise and web applications. Learning these languages involves grasping the fundamentals, consistent practice, seeking assistance when needed, and embracing the joy of coding.

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