Reasons Why it is Important to Learn Statistics for Machine Learning

Reasons why it is important to learn Statistics for machine learning

Here in this blog, CodeAvail experts will explain to you about reasons why it is important to learn statistics for machine learning in detail.

Learn Statistics For Machine Learning

Machine learning and Statistics are two fields that are closely related. In fact, the line between statistics and machine learning can be very fuzzy at times. But, there are ways that simply belong to the field of statistics. However, that is not only helpful but valuable when one is working on the projects of machine learning. It would be right to say that methods of statistics are needed to efficiently work within a machine learning predictive modeling project.

In this post, we have listed some of the examples of statistical methods. That is helpful and needed at key steps in a predictive modeling problem.

What is Statistics and machine learning?

It is one of the essential and most strong maths parts. Statistics is the mathematics part that is utilized to work with data organization, collection, presentation, and outline. 

In other words, statistics is all about achieving some methods on the raw information to make it easier to understand. The model of Statistics helps apply statistics to scientific, industrial and social problems.

Whereas, Machine learning is one of the crucial fields of computer science. In which many statistical methods are used to let the computer instantly learn. ML is an application that is used in Artificial intelligence.

Examples of statistics for machine learning

Below we have discussed some of the examples. Where statistical methods are applied in projects of machine learning.

This will prove that practical knowledge of statistics is necessary for successfully operating through a predictive modeling problem.

  • Data understanding
  • Model evaluation
  • Data cleaning
  • Model presentation 
  • Data selection
  • Model selection
  • Model prediction

1) Data understanding:

Data understanding methods having a cozy handle of both the conveyances of variables and the connections between variables. A portion of this information may originate from domain expertise or need a domain in order to understand. All things considered, the two specialists and beginners to a field of study will profit by really taking care of certain perceptions that structure the domain. 

Two immense parts of statistical strategies are utilized to help in getting the information they are: 

  • Statistics Summary. Strategies used to outline the relationship and connections between factors utilizing statistical measures. 
  • Information Visualization. Techniques used to summarize the relationships and distributions between factors utilizing perceptions. For example, diagrams, plots, and charts. 

2) Model Evaluation: 

A vital part of a predictive demonstrating issue is assessing a learning technique. 

This usually requires the estimation of the expertise of the model when making estimates on data not seen during the preparation of the model. Usually, the preparation of this method of preparing and evaluating a predictive model is called experimental design. This is an entire subfield of statistical techniques. 

  • Experimental Design: Techniques to plan systematic experiments to analyze the impact of free variables on a result. For example, the decision of a Machine learning calculation on expectation accuracy. 

As a feature of executing an experimental structure, techniques are utilized to resample a dataset. In order to make commercial use of accessible data in order to determine the skill of the model. 

  • Resampling Methods: Strategies for efficiently splitting a dataset into subsets for the objectives for preparing and assessing a predictive model.

3) Data Cleaning:

Perceptions from space are usually not perfect. In spite of the fact that the information is advanced. It might expose to processes that can damage the accuracy of the information, and in turn any downstream models or procedures that utilize the data. 

A few examples include: 

  • Data misfortune.
  • Likewise, Data blunders. 
  • Data debasement.

Statistical strategies use for data cleaning for example: 

  • Outlier identification: Strategies for recognizing observations that are far from the assumed value in a distribution.
  • Imputation: Techniques for fixing or filling in missing or corrupt qualities in observations.

4) Model Presentation

After the preparation of the ultimate model, it can perform to stakeholders previous to utilize or use to get exact predictions on real data.

A section of giving an ultimate model includes giving the expected skill of the model.

Techniques from the estimation statistics field can utilize. To quantify the change in the expected skill of the machine learning model by the use of confidence intervals and threshold intervals.

  • Statistics Estimation. Techniques that quantify the change in the skill of a model through confidence intervals.

5) Data Selection: 

Not all variables or all observations might be applicable when modeling. The way of decreasing the extent of data to those components that are generally valuable for making decisions is called Data selection. 

Two kinds of statistical strategies that utilize for data collection include: 

  • Data Sample: Strategies to systematically make little representative tests from bigger datasets. 
  • Feature Selection: Strategies to naturally recognize those variables that are generally applicable to the result variable.

6) Model Selection 

One of many AI calculations might be suitable for a given predictive modeling issue. The way toward choosing one strategy as the solution is called model selection. 

This may include a suite of criteria both from partners in the undertaking and the cautious translation of the estimated skills of the strategies evaluated for the issue. 

Similarly, as with model design, two classes of factual techniques utilize to interpret the evaluated skill of various models for the motives behind the model selection. They are: 

  • Statistical Hypothesis Tests: Techniques that evaluate the probability of observing the outcome given assumptions regarding the outcome. 
  • Estimation of Statistics: Strategies that measure the uncertainty of an outcome utilizing certainty intervals.

7) Model Predictions:

Lastly, to make predictions for new data its time to begin utilizing the ultimate model where one does not know the actual result.

it is necessary to quantify the confidence of the prediction.

Much the same as with the procedure of model introduction. We can utilize techniques from the field of estimation insights to measure this difficulty. For example, certainty interims, and forecast interims. 

Estimation of Statistics: Strategies that measure the difficulty of a prediction utilizing expectation intervals.


In this article, we have given all the necessary information to learn statistics for machine learning. Machine learning is one of the subfields of AI  and computer science, on the other hand, statistics is the subfield of mathematics. You have seen the significance of statistical methods during the process of working within a modeling project. We have also discussed some of the examples for your better understanding.

If you still find any difficulty with statistics assignments or machine learning assignments, then you can avail of our service. You can contact us anytime and from anywhere in the world.

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