Haskell vs Scala: A Guide to Choose Right Programming Language

haskell vs scala

Programming languages are like the foundation of software development, connecting what humans understand with what machines can do. Each language has its special features and ways of doing things, influencing how developers create and organize their code. 

In this blog, we explore the wide world of programming languages by looking into the long-standing debate of Haskell vs Scala. This guide is here to help you choose the best language for your projects. 

Haskell, known for its strong type system and functional approach, goes against Scala, which is versatile and can blend object-oriented and functional programming styles. Come along as we examine these languages’ strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities so you can make smart decisions based on your development goals. 

Whether you’re an experienced developer or just getting started, this guide is here to be your guide in the ever-changing world of programming languages.

What is Haskell?

Haskell is a functional programming language renowned for its elegant and expressive syntax. Developed in the late 1980s, it is characterized by strong static typing and lazy evaluation, emphasizing immutability and pure functions. Haskell is appreciated for its mathematical foundation, aiding in concise and clear code. With a focus on abstraction and modularity, Haskell enables developers to create robust, scalable applications, making it a popular choice for those interested in functional programming paradigms.

Pros of Haskell

  • Strong Typing: Haskell’s robust static typing enhances code reliability and catches errors at compile time.
  • Pure Functions: Emphasizing immutability, Haskell promotes pure functions, reducing side effects and enhancing code maintainability.
  • Concise Syntax: Haskell’s expressive syntax allows for concise and readable code, fostering productivity and ease of understanding.

Cons of Haskell

  • Learning Curve: Haskell’s abstract concepts may pose a steep learning curve for newcomers.
  • Limited Libraries: Despite a growing ecosystem, Haskell’s library support can be more constrained than mainstream languages.
  • Adoption Challenges: Haskell faces adoption hurdles in industry settings due to its niche status and perceived complexity.

Applications of Hoaskell

  • Financial Systems: Haskell is used in high-assurance financial applications, leveraging its strong typing and reliability for secure and error-free transactions.
  • Compiler Development: Haskell is favored in compiler construction, benefiting from its powerful type system and expressive features.
  • Web Development: Haskell finds applications in web development, with frameworks like Yesod and Snap offering a functional approach to building scalable and maintainable web applications.

What is Scala?

Scala, short for “scalable language,” is a versatile programming language designed to be concise, elegant, and interoperable with existing Java code. Introduced in 2003, Scala seamlessly blends object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, offering static typing and robust support for concurrent programming. Its compatibility with Java libraries and frameworks makes it a popular choice for developers seeking a modern language with a smooth transition from Java. At the same time, its concise syntax and expressive features contribute to increased productivity.

Pros of Scala

  • Interoperability: Scala’s seamless integration with Java allows developers to leverage existing Java libraries and frameworks, enhancing compatibility and facilitating a smooth transition.
  • Conciseness: Scala’s concise syntax promotes cleaner and more readable code, fostering increased productivity and ease of maintenance.
  • Functional Programming: Scala supports functional programming, offering immutable data structures and first-class functions, promoting clearer and more modular code design.

Cons of Scala

  • Learning Curve: Scala’s fusion of object-oriented and functional concepts may pose a learning challenge for newcomers.
  • Compilation Time: Large codebases in Scala can experience longer compilation times, impacting development workflow.
  • Community Size: While growing, Scala’s community size is smaller than some mainstream languages, potentially limiting resources and support.

Applications of Scala

  • Big Data Processing: Scala is widely used in Apache Spark for efficient and scalable big data processing, leveraging its concurrency support and expressive syntax.
  • Web Development: Scala, with frameworks like Play and Akka, is employed for building robust and concurrent web applications.
  • Enterprise Systems: Scala finds application in developing enterprise-level systems, capitalizing on its interoperability with Java and support for scalable and maintainable code.
Also Read: Ocaml vs Haskell

Head To Head Comparison Between Haskell vs Scala

Let’s delve into the key distinctions between Haskell and Scala, exploring their programming paradigm, type system, syntax, and more:

Programming ParadigmFunctional, emphasizing immutability and pure functions.Object-oriented and functional, combining both paradigms.
Type SystemStrong static typing, catching errors at compile-time.Strong static typing, compatible with Java, offering type inference and versatility.
SyntaxElegant and expressive, with a focus on mathematical foundations.Concise and readable, blending object-oriented and functional features for enhanced productivity.
Learning CurveSteeper learning curve due to abstract functional concepts.Moderate learning curve, aided by its compatibility with Java and familiar syntax.
ConcurrencyConcurrency support with libraries like Concurrent Haskell.A rich ecosystem benefitting from Java interoperability provides extensive libraries and frameworks.
Library EcosystemGrowing ecosystem, but may be more limited compared to mainstream languages.Rich ecosystem, benefitting from Java interoperability, provides extensive libraries and frameworks.
Community SupportActive community but smaller compared to more widely adopted languages.Larger community, fostering more extensive resources, support, and third-party integrations.
ToolingGood tooling support, including GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) and Cabal for package management.Strong tooling support featuring tools like SBT (Simple Build Tool) and various IDE integrations.
Compilation TimeGenerally faster compilation times due to Haskell’s simpler type system.Larger codebases may experience longer compilation times, impacting development workflow in Scala.
Industry AdoptionNiche adoption is important in certain domains like finance and academia.Widespread adoption in various industries, particularly in enterprises and web development.
VersatilityFocused on functional programming, it may be less versatile in hybrid scenarios.Versatile, excelling in both object-oriented and functional programming, providing flexibility in diverse projects.

Major Similarities Between Haskell vs Scala

Let’s explore the shared traits between Haskell and Scala that contribute to robust, reliable, and expressive programming practices.

1. Strong Typing

Haskell and Scala employ a strong static typing system, enhancing code reliability and catching errors at compile time.

2. Functional Features

Both languages support functional programming, emphasizing immutability and offering features like first-class functions.

3. Concurrent Programming

Haskell and Scala provide tools and libraries for concurrent programming, allowing developers to design scalable and efficient systems.

4. Interoperability

Scala and Haskell exhibit interoperability capabilities, with Scala seamlessly integrating with Java and Haskell supporting foreign function interfaces.

5. Expressive Syntax

Both languages prioritize a concise and expressive syntax, fostering code readability and maintainability.

Salary Comparison: Haskell vs Scala

According to the StackOverflow 2023 survey report, Scala developers reported an annual salary of $96,381, reflecting the financial acknowledgment of their expertise and contributions to the industry. 

On the other hand, Haskell developers indicated a slightly lower annual salary at $85,672, suggesting variations in compensation within the programming landscape.

These figures not only provide insights into the financial aspects of working with Scala and Haskell but also highlight the diverse remuneration patterns that exist within the programming community, influenced by factors such as demand, experience, and the specific industries where these languages are applied.

Popularity: Haskell vs Scala – Exploring the Trends and Factors Influencing Adoption

Below we have explained with a graph the popularity of Haskell vs Scala. The red line in the graph shows Scala’s popularity. On the other hand, the blue line shows the popularity of Haskell.

If the Google Trends data over the past 5 years indicates an upward trend for Scala programming language, it suggests a growing interest or search activity related to Scala. An increasing trend in Google searches may indicate rising popularity or adoption.

Here are some possible reasons for Scala’s upward trend in Google Trends:

  • Big Data and Apache Spark: Scala is commonly used in big data processing, especially with Apache Spark. As big data technologies continue to gain traction, Scala’s popularity in this domain could contribute to its increasing trend.
  • Functional Programming Features: Scala’s support for functional programming and its interoperability with Java make it an attractive choice for developers looking to embrace functional programming concepts while still working within a JVM ecosystem.
  • Community and Industry Adoption: The growth in community support, the development of libraries, and increased adoption by companies could positively impact Scala’s popularity.
  • Education and Learning Trends: If there is a surge in interest in functional programming or educational institutions are incorporating Scala into their curriculum, it could contribute to the upward trend in Google searches.

Wrapping Up

The choice between Haskell vs Scala depends on your project requirements and development preferences. Haskell excels in strong typing and functional purity, making it suitable for finance and compiler development industries. 

On the other hand, Scala’s versatility, seamless Java integration, and growing popularity in big data and web development offer broader applicability. Both languages have strong typing, functional programming, and concurrency support strengths. 

Consider factors such as learning curve, industry adoption, and project needs to make an informed decision. Ultimately, whether you opt for Haskell’s mathematical elegance or Scala’s pragmatic blend, both languages contribute to the diverse and dynamic landscape of modern programming.


1. Is Haskell better than Scala?

There is no definitive answer to whether Haskell is better than Scala; it depends on project requirements and developer preferences. Haskell excels in mathematical elegance and purity, while Scala’s versatility and seamless Java integration make it a pragmatic choice for diverse applications.

2. Which language, Haskell or Scala, is more beginner-friendly for someone new to functional programming?

Scala tends to be more beginner-friendly due to its blend of object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, easing the transition for developers familiar with languages like Java. Haskell, with its more abstract functional concepts, may present a steeper learning curve for those new to functional programming.

3. Is Haskell the hardest language to learn?

The difficulty of learning a programming language is subjective. Haskell’s abstract functional concepts and a strong emphasis on mathematical foundations can make it challenging for some learners. However, individual preferences, prior experience, and learning resources also play crucial roles in determining the perceived difficulty of mastering Haskell.

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