Causes of Memory Leaks in Python Programming and How to Avoid Them

Causes of Memory Leaks in Python Programming and How to Avoid Them

Here in this blog, CodeAvail python programming experts will explain to you causes of Memory leaks in python programming. And how to avoid them step by step.

Fugue utilizes Python broadly all through the Conductor and in our help apparatuses. Because of its usability, broad bundle library, and strong language tools. However, One thing we’ve gained from building difficult programming for the cloud is that a language is just good with its testing and profiling devices.

Logical mistakes, CPU spikes, and memory leaks in Python are inescapable. However, a proper debugger, CPU profiler, and memory profiler can make discovering these mistakes fundamentally simpler and quicker.

In the fall, our analyses revealed that a Python segment of Fugue called the reflector was encountering irregular restarts. And change following a couple of days of uptime. Also, taking a gander by using memory leaks in python. Likewise, and demonstrated that the reflector’s memory impression expanded monotonically and persistently, showing memory leak. trace malloc, a ground-breaking memory following device. In the Python standard library, made it conceivable to analyze and identify memory leaks in Python rapidly.

However, We found that the memory leak in python multiprocessing was identified with our utilization of requests, a well-known outsider Python HTTP library. We were reworking the part to utilize urllib for memory leaks python library that can dispose of all these memory leaks’ issues.

In this blog, we’ll investigate the details on how to find a memory leak in python code. And what are the causes of memory leaks in python programming.

Causes of Memory Leaks In Python Programming 

We utilize Python as the right part at Zendesk for building products of machine learning. Also, one of the basic execution issues we experienced with the applications of Machine learning when create a memory leak in python and spikes. Likewise, there is another method for memory leak python TensorFlow, which can be utilized as an end to end open-source machine learning platform.

The Python code is typically executed inside holders through circulated processing structures. For example, Spark, Hadoop, and AWS Batch. Likewise, Every compartment is assigned a fixed measure of memory. Also, when the code execution surpasses the planned memory limit, the compartment will end due to out of memory errors.

A fast fix is to improve memory allocation. However, this can produce wastage in resources and influence the products’ security due to random memory spikes. The causes of memory leaks in python programming:

  1. delaying massive objects which are not delivered
  2. reference cycles within the code
  3. underlying libraries/C extensions leaking memory
  1. Delaying massive objects which are not delivered

(Pdb) import objgraph

(Pdb) objgraph.show_most_common_types(limit=20)

dict                       349521

list                       174219

builtin_function_or_method 75524

tuple                      55748

Message                    84192

function                   54557

instancemethod             13994

NonBlockingSocket          13867

NonBlockingConnection      13879

_socketobject              13867

_Condition                 82302

AMQPReader                 41900

cell                       6987

Message objects certainly ought not to be in memory.

let us check where:

Step: (Pdb) objgraph.by_type(‘Message’)[1]

<amqplib.client_0_8.Message object at 0x8a5b7ac>

Steps: (Pdb) import random

(Pdb) obj = objgraph.by_type(‘Message’)[random.randint(0,48000)]

(Pdb) objgraph.show_backrefs([obj], max_depth=10)

Graph written to (15 nodes)

This is how it will look:

Delaying massive objects which are not delivered

Ok. Likewise, there are still some of the channel objects that have some of the relevant references to the given Message. Now, take a move to check why these channels are not freed and what are the python memory leak in thread:

(Pdb) obj = objgraph.by_type(‘Channel’)[random.randint(0,31000)]

(Pdb) objgraph.show_backrefs([obj], max_depth=10)

Graph written to (35 nodes)

Image generated as objects.png

There is another python memory leak in class which is not freed. And it considers as NonBlockingConnection, it will be coded as:

(Pdb) obj = objgraph.by_type(‘NonBlockingConnection’)[random.randint(0,31000)]

(Pdb) objgraph.show_backrefs([obj], max_depth=10)

Graph written to (135 nodes)

Image generated as objects.png

The cycle will be:

NonBlocking Connection

To solve this issue, there is a need to break the memory leak python recursion of the references within a single place. Also, here is a code that can easily debug this issue of reference memory leak in loop python:

# we do not require channel or connection to fic this issue 



# Delete the reference cycles:

 Steps:     del channel.callbacks

del connection.channels

  del connonection.connection

2)Reference cycles within the code

One of the more advantageous parts of writing code in translated languages. For example, Ruby or Python is that you ordinarily can abstain from managing memory. In any case, one known situation where Python will memory leak program python is the point at which you pronounce roundabout references in your article presentations and actualize a custom __del__ destructor technique in one these classes for memory leak python test. For example:

class A(object):

    def __init__(self, b_instance):

      self.b = b_instance

class B(object):

    def __init__(self):

        self.a = A(self)

    def __del__(self):

        print “die”

def test():

    b = B()


Programmers can visualize these circular references in memory leak python windows with the library of the objgraph, which depends on GC modules of Python to examine these references to the given python objects.

Keep in mind that these objgraph libraries can outline the custom __del__ methods deliberately with a red circle to highlight potential causes of memory leaks in python programming that needs to be solved.

Reference cycles within the code

Programmers might just require to develop a call for representing objgraph.show_backrefs(). This will also describe the main causes of memory leaks in python programming and it is coded as:

def test(): b = B()

    import objgraph

objgraph.show_backrefs([b,b.a], refcounts=True)

How To Avoid Memory Leaks In Python Programming

Helpful Pointers For How To Detect Memory Leaks In Python

Aim for the fast feedback loop

A beneficial way is to build a short “test case,” that only memory leak in python code in question. Consider employing a randomly examined data subset if the entire input data is long to run.

Run memory-escalated tasks in the independent procedure 

Python doesn’t really discharge memory quickly back to the operating framework. To guarantee memory is discharged after a bit of code has executed, it needs to run in a different procedure. This page gives more details on Python garbage collection that is useful for how to check memory leaks in python.

Ordinarily, Python’s garbage collector, which is utilized to recognize these kinds of cyclic references, would evacuate it. However, as a result of the custom destructor (the __del__ strategy), it denotes this thing as “uncollectible.”

By plan, it doesn’t have the foggiest idea of annihilating the objects, so disregard them ( Python’s garbage collection documentation for more foundation). You can confirm this viewpoint by constraining the Python garbage collector to run. And investigating what is memory leak set python inside the gc.garbage exhibit:

import gc


print gc.garbage

[<__main__.B object at 0x7f59f57c98d0>]

The Debugger Can Join Sources To Objects 

On the off chance that a breakpoint debugger, for example, pdb utilizes. Any articles made and referenced actually from the debugger will stay in the memory profile. This can make a misguided feeling of causes of memory leaks in python programming. Likewise, where items are not discharged in a convenient way.

$ pdb ./

> /

-> import sys

(Pdb) r

2008-11-13 23:15:36,619      INFO   Running with verbosity 10 (>=DEBUG)

2008-11-13 23:15:36,620      INFO   Main dir=’./server’, args=[]

Later, when your application collected some garbages I pressed Ctrl+C:

2008-11-13 18:41:40,136      INFO   Quitting

(Pdb) import gc

(Pdb) gc.collect()


(Pdb) gc.collect()


See packages that can be leaked.

Many Python libraries could probably have memory leaks. E.g., pandas actually have some associated with the causes of memory leaks in python programming.


Finding memory leaks in Python can be pretty difficult. There is no short way to find the answer to how to check for memory leaks in Python. This is true for memory leak in application python, but also true for those written in any different programming language.

In this blog, we have included all the required information that will help you know how to identify memory leaks in python or how to find memory leaks in python along with the information about causes of memory leaks in python programming.

If you need any Python programming assignment help and Python Homework Help then you can get in touch with us through live chat, call, or mail. The good thing is that you can contact us anytime and from anywhere in the world. We have years of experienced programmer writers. Who provide quality data for your assignment at a reasonable price. We are available 24/7 for your assistance. (

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