Becoming a Mentor that Everybody Looks Up To…

a Mentor

Are you a mentor or strive to be one? Are you passionate about guiding and helping people overcome obstacles under your advice and care? Do you take pleasure when you make people smile because they achieved something with your assistance? If all of these, even vaguely, sounds like you, then congrats! Your latest mouse click was destined to bring you to us.

We are here to provide all the necessary and not-so-necessary but still desirably optional materials that will help you improve the quality of your mentorship and teach you about all the must-know nuances that tag along.

Without further ado, we would like to share with you our/universal definition of who mentors are and what they do. You might be one yourself but before we proceed, we really want to make sure our understanding of the concept is in harmony. 

What Does the Term “Mentorship” Mean?

Mentoring is a relationship between two people in which the person with greater contacts, experience, and knowledge is able to impart their knowledge to a more inexperienced person in a certain sector. The mentor is the more experienced person, and the mentee is the less experienced one.

The mentor gains because they can guide the next generation in a field they are interested in and make sure that the highest standards are handed down; meanwhile, the mentee gains because they have shown that they are prepared to develop in their careers and can get the extra support they need to do so.

A Mentor: Do You Need One?

A mentor can assist others in making progress in their industry and introduce them to opportunities they may not have known about otherwise. They accomplish this by imparting their knowledge and assisting in the discovery of possibilities along the way.

Nearly every successful person in history has acknowledged having a wonderful mentor at some stage in their ascent to greatness. Imagine that you want to buy a house, and you can conduct with a specialist to know how to buy a house and have your desired results. But if you want to prepare mentally to save money for the house, then you will need a mentor who can assist you during the process. 

A useful tool for making one’s goal a reality is mentoring. Mentors are expected to support and counsel their mentees in order to assist them to develop successful careers or establish themselves as professionals in a particular organization. Typically, a mentor takes on the responsibility of looking after one mentee at a time.

With the relief of having defined mentors and their work in concrete terms, we can move forward to offer you insight into the facets and practices that matter the most in the mentor/mentee relationship and the mentoring process per se. 

Since most of the mentoring experience takes place while people jointly work on projects having their mentor supervise their work at the same; we find it most suitable to hypothesize a collaborative project through which the mentioned aspects of mentorship can be observed and discussed most efficiently. 

Now that we have a clear setting, we would like to begin by how much we all love coffee or tea.   Buckle up, because what we are about to share with you falls under the category of top mentoring practices that secure your good results.

The first-ever meet-up

Taking a mentee out for coffee is a terrific way to start a relationship. Setting a foundation for your relationship with your mentor should be the main goal of your first encounter. Your mentee will feel more relaxed as you get to know each other in a more relaxed environment. It’s not unusual for mentees to feel stressed when they first start working with you, especially if you hold a more senior position within the company.

Even though we advise you to create some goals during your initial mentoring session, it can be a great thing to first spend some time learning about one another. Keeping with the casual attitude, try concentrating on casual conversation subjects aimed at fostering trust.

Have a meeting to set goals.

Every successful mentoring relationship needs to have clear-cut objectives. That doesn’t necessarily imply that you should open a spreadsheet and begin collecting concrete facts. Goals that are measured qualitatively are frequently equally as effective as those that are quantified. However, if you don’t start the mentoring relationship with a defined set of goals, you and your mentee will find it difficult to monitor any kind of improvement.

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Make a vision statement

Vision statements are objectives that need to be fulfilled, much like goals. However, they go beyond that. They should include everything a mentee hopes to accomplish as a result of the mentoring experience as a whole. Together, you and your mentee can have fun developing vision statements and perhaps sharing it with other expert mentors to receive some out-of-context feedback.

The vision statement must be both ambitious and practical. The fact that it doesn’t have to be something you can only do through your existing mentoring connection is crucial. ( You can also have a visual representation of your vision statement to show your mentoring experience. You can make photo books with Mixbook and share it with your clients or keep it in your workplace. 

Plan ahead and track your progress.

Switching gears to managing a project as a mentor, it is important to admit that any project must include planning, so mentoring should not be an exception. Even though you don’t need to create a formal mentoring program that is well thought out from beginning to end, you still need to decide what you hope to get out of the mentoring relationship. How frequently will we meet? What are your plans for those meetings? It is important to have the answers to these fundamental issues. When mentoring begins, you should also keep track of its development and any successes that the mentee and the mentor may have had.

Engage your mentee(s)

Regardless of whether you have one or more mentees under your supervision, the dire need to engage them in the process and make them feel that their voices are unique and each has their distinct contribution to the project, remains of prime cruciality. Do not forget to buy corporate gift and small presents to your most successful mentees. They will feel more motivated and enthusiastic to work with you. Find the perfect plaque to present to any persona and cheer them up.

There is a myriad of techniques and activities to evoke genuine interest and involve your mentees in the project. You can implement it in a number of ways. Hear out our suggestions:

  • Virtual events – You may want to begin by organizing an online event to draw your mentees in and guarantee their full engagement. But to truly nail this one you have to get a handle on how virtual events work and understand all the nuances within to make sure that your event goes in line with the highest standards. You could take a look at some interesting virtual event statistics and see what lies at the core of holding the most exciting and engrossing online ever. 
  • Data visualization – The next thing to consider is data visualization. This element is essentially responsible for the success of your online event and not only. It is key to grasping what effective data visualization is and how you can use it. The way you illustrate information greatly determines how your audience reacts and responds to your overall effort. Interesting and accessible delivery of data predominantly lies at the core of shaping promising relationships and healthy dynamics with and among your mentees. 

Mark the turning points

Project milestones make it simpler to keep projects on schedule by highlighting important occasions, dates, choices, and outputs. To make sure everything is on track, you may even insert smaller milestones within larger ones. 

They are also useful in that they give the entire project a certain level of standard. The set standards later creates a situation where we must motivate ourselves to reach it and then raise the bar ourselves. All of the mentioned positive by-products of project milestones are what you can drive out of your mentees and their effort if you begin the practice of highlighting those landmarks.

Now you have all the fundamentals at hand to display excellence at your upcoming mentoring initiatives. We hope we managed to highlight the importance of mentorship just enough. In case you feel that this sphere could turn out to be something more for you, such as officially assuming a mentor position at a company or even opening a mentoring organization of your own, we are more than willing to show you possible paths to follow. 

Should you consider that an organization offering mentoring services might be what you have been cut out for, then first, you need to learn some business basics.  

It is no secret that any novice undertaking must have a document clearly stating its purpose and laying out an operational strategy. In all likelihood, you may be familiar with it – we are referring to business plans. 

We advise you to learn about what business plans incorporate and what are some of the dos and don’ts when writing them. Surely, there is an alternative to writing it yourself, you could use the help of a professional business plan writer, who can take care of the job just perfectly. 

Although, if you feel the urge and are fueled by the challenge of nailing this one down on your own; then we encourage you to follow a step-by-step guide in putting together your strategy. Bear in mind that brevity and clarity are integral to crafting a strong business plan.

It would also be smart to familiarize yourself with other companies of similar nature because their experience could come in handy for you in the future. 

As much as a good mentor you may be yourself, still, even excellent advisers and leaders happen to be in need of some guidance and pointers on their way to achieving greater heights every once in a while.

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