Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic

Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic

Array and stack both play very important roles in the data structure. Arrays are a fundamental data structure in computer science and are widely used in various applications. Stack is just a property of an array, not a data structure.

If you want to know about “Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic,” you first understand Array, stack, and how to array implementation of a stack. 

After that, we will start explaining “Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic.” 

So let’s start.

What is Array?

The array is a type of data structure that is a collection of elements. Each element with a unique index stored.  An array can be of different data types (e.g., integers, strings, objects). The elements are stored in contiguous memory locations and can be accessed efficiently by their index.

Example of an Array 

Int a[7];

In this array example, We have defined an array with the name of a. The array contains 7 data values and index values also 7, which start from 0 to 6. In this array, all values are integers. The array contains the same data types (e.g. integers, strings, objects) of values.

What is Stack?

Stacks are a data structure with a LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) property, meaning that the last item added to the stack will be the first to be removed. Stack data structures have a limited size determined when the stack is created. (Provigil) Because of this fixed size, stacks cannot automatically increase or decrease in size. If a stack is full and a new item is added, it will result in an overflow error.

Array implementation of Stack

A stack implemented using an array is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle. It has two main operations, push and pop, to add and remove elements. 

An array can be used to implement a stack by:

  1. Defining an array with a fixed size
  2. Keeping track of the top element of the stack using a variable (e.g. “top”)
  3. Implementing push operation to add an element to the stack by incrementing the top and placing the element at the new top index
  4. Implementing pop operation to remove the top element by returning the element at the current top index and decrementing the top.
  5. Implementing is empty and is full functions to check if the stack is empty or full.

1. Pushing an element onto a stack using an Array

To push an element onto a stack, you add it to the top of the stack. This operation can be implemented using an array or linked list data structure, where the element is added to the end of the list. The last element added to a stack is the first to be removed (last-in, first-out (LIFO) order).

Here’s a more detailed explanation of Pushing an element onto a stack using an Array:

  1. First, we need to define an array to store the elements of the stack and a variable to keep track of the top of the stack. In this example, the stack is the array that represents the stack, the top is the index of the top of the stack.

# Define an array to store the elements of the stack

stack = []

# Define a variable to keep track of the top of the stack

top = -1

  1. Next, we define the push function to add a new element to the top of the stack. Before pushing the element, we first check if the stack is full. If it is, we throw an error or display a message indicating a stack overflow. If the stack is not full, we increment the top variable to indicate the new top of the stack and assign the new element to the position pointed by the top in the stack array.


def push(element):

    global top

    if top == len(stack)-1:  # len is the maximum size of the stack

        return “Error: Stack Overflow”)

    top += 1


    3. Finally, when we need to push an element onto the stack, we simply call the push function and pass the element as an argument:

# Example: Push an element onto the stack


Example Python Program: 

stack = [];
top = -1
def push(stack, element):
    global top
    if top == len(stack) - 1:
        return "Error: Stack Overflow"
    top += 1
push(stack, 12)
push(stack, 15)



Process finished with exit code 0

We can use an array in detail to push an element onto the stack.

Snapshot of Program


Also read: GCD Function In Python

2. Popping an element onto a stack using an Array

The pop operation removes the last item from the array, simulating the pop of an element from the array of the stack. It Checks if the stack is empty. If it is empty, the pop operation cannot be performed and returns an error message.

If the stack is not empty, then retrieve the value at the position pointed to by the top index, decrement the top index, and return the retrieved value.

Example  Python Program:

stack = [2];
top = -1
def pop():
    global top
    if top == -1:
        print("Stack underflow")
        element = stack[top]
        top -= 1
        return element

In this example, the stack is represented by a list and stack, and the variable top represents the top index. The function pop removes the top element from the stack and returns it. It checks if the Top value is less than -1, in which case the pop operation cannot be performed and returns an error message. In this example pop value is empty, and they return an error stack underflow.


Stack underflow

Process finished with exit code 0

Snapshot of Program


Now you know the basic of a stack’s array, stack, and array implementation. Now we will discuss” Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic.” Please continue with us.

Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic?

It depends on the implementation of the stack using an array.

For example 

Generally, we have used the Array implementation of a stack that is not dynamic because its size is fixed at the time of its declaration and cannot be changed during runtime. If the stack becomes full, it is not possible to insert any more elements without increasing its size. 

Note: We can create a dynamic stack using an array to resolve this problem.

For Example

To implement a dynamic stack using an array, one can create a new array with a larger size when the original array becomes full and copy the elements from the original array to the new one.

which would require the creation of a new array and copying over the elements from the old one, a process that can be time-consuming and inefficient.


We have discussed “Array Implementation of Stack Is Not Dynamic,” as well as an array, stack, and the implementation of stack using an array. This blog article we help you in understanding the fundamental concepts of the array, stack, and their implementation, as well as in answering your question, “Array Implementation Of Stack Is Not Dynamic. “We hope you are fully satisfied with our answer and it is helpful in your programs and algorithms.


Stack using dynamic array in data structure?

A stack using a dynamic array is a data structure where the underlying array’s size can change dynamically. The array expands as elements are pushed onto the stack and shrink when elements are popped off. The array size is adjusted using dynamic memory allocation and deallocation functions such as malloc() and free() in C. This implementation allows for efficient use of memory and reduces the possibility of stack overflow errors.

Array implementation of the stack is not dynamic which statement supports the argument?

The size of an array-based stack must be determined in advance. It cannot be changed dynamically, meaning it does not automatically adjust its size based on the number of elements added to or removed from the stack.

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