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Practice on implementing inheritance in Java


Do not use the scanner class or any other user input request. You application should be self-contained and run without user input.

Assignment Objectives

  1. Practice on implementing inheritance in Java 
    • FootballPlayer will extend a new class, Person
  2. Overriding methods 
    • toString( )  which is a method from the Object class, will be implemented in OffensiveLine, FootballPlayer, Person and Height
    • If you click on the link above you will find this definition (taken from the Object class) 
      • Returns a string representation of the object. In general, the toString method returns a string that "textually represents" this object. The result should be a concise but informative representation that is easy for a person to read. It is recommended that all subclasses override this method.
  3. Keep working with more complex classes 
    • in the same way that FootballPlayer had a class as an attribute (Height height), OffensiveLine will have FootballPlayer as an attribute


A zipped Java project.


O.O. Requirements (these items will be part of your grade)

  1. One class, one file. Don't create multiple classes in the same .java file
  2. Don't use static variables and methods
  3. Encapsulation: make sure you protect your class variables and provide access to them through get and set methods
  4. All the classes are required to have a constructor that receives all the attributes as parameters and update the attributes accordingly
  5. All the classes are required to have an "empty" constructor that receives no parameters but updates all the attributes as needed 
  6. Organized in packages (MVC - Model - View Controller)


  • Create a Netbeans project with 
      • App.java
    • Model 
      • Model.java
      • FootballPlayer.java 
      • Height.java
      • Person.java
      • OffensiveLine.java


  • The application App creates a Model object
  • The Model class  
    • creates 3 FootballPlayer objects
    • creates an OffensiveLine object using the 3 FootballPlayer objects
    • displays information about the OffensiveLine object and its 3 players 
      • it is a requirement that this should be done using the toString( ) method in OffensiveLine, which will use toString( ) in FootballPlayer
    • displays the average weight of the OffensiveLine 
      • this will be done using the averageWeight in the OffensiveLine 

The classes

  • App 
    • it has the main method which is the method that Java looks for and runs to start any application
    • it creates an object (an instance) of the Model class
  • Model 
    • this is the class where all the action is going to happen
    • it creates three football players
    • it creates an OffensiveLine object using the three players
    • displays information about the OffensiveLine 
      • this has to be done using the OffensiveLine object
      • this is really information about its 3 players
      • the format is free as long as it contains all the information about each of the 3 players
    • displays the average weight of the OffensiveLine
      • this has to be done using the OffensiveLine object
      • this has to call the averageWeight method in OffensiveLine
  • Person 
    • has the following attributes 
      • String name;
      • Height height;
      • int weight;
      • String hometown;
      • String highSchool;
    • and a method 
      • String toString( )
      • toString( ) overrides the superclass Object toString( ) method
      • toString( ) returns information about this class attributes as a String 
    • encapsulation 
      • if you want other classes in the same package yo have access to the attributes, you need to make them protected instead of private.
      • see more here.
  • FootballPlayer 
    • has the following attributes 
      • int number;
      • String position;
    • and a method 
      • String toString( )
      • toString( ) overrides the superclass Object toString( ) method
      • toString( ) returns information about this class attributes as a String 
  • Height 
    • it is a class (or type) which is used in Person defining the type of the attribute height 
    • it has two attributes 
      • int feet;
      • int inches
    • and a method 
      • String toString( )
      • toString( ) overrides the superclass Object toString( ) method
      • toString( ) returns information about this class attributes as a String
      • it returns a formatted string with feet and inches 
        • for instance: 5'2"
  • OffensiveLine 
    • has the following attributes 
      • FootballPlayer center;
      • FootballPlayer offensiveGuard;
      • FootballPlayer offensiveTackle;
      • They might also be stored in an ArrayList
    • and two methods 
      • String toString( ) 
        • toString( ) overrides the superclass Object toString( ) method
        • toString( ) returns information about the 3 players attributes as a String
      • int averageWeight() 
        • calculates and returns the average weight of the OffensiveLine.
        • it is calculated based on the weight of each of its players 



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