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Milestone 3 . bool attemptTci4oveorder() — attempts to move the order order at the front of the queue to the next station in


Code is sent in screenshots of what needs to be completed. I have the source code for the modules and classes that I have started but I need help to finish them


• void fill(std: :ostream& os) — this modifier fills the order at the front of the queue, if there are

CustomerOrders in the queue; otherwise, does nothing.

. bool attemptTci4oveorder() — attempts to move the order order at the front of the queue to the next station in

the assembly line:

o if the order requires no more service at this station, move it to the next station

. if there is no next station in the assembly line, then the order is moved into coqileted queue

o if the order cannot be filled (not enough inventory), move the order to the next station.

. if there is no next station in the assembly line then the order is moved into incowlete queue.

o if an order has been moved, retum true 1 false otherwise.

• void setNextstation(workstationt station) — this modifier stores the address of the referenced workstation

object in the pointer to the m_pNextstation. Parameter defaults to nuflptr.

. Workstationt getNextstation() const — this query returns the address of next workstation

. void display(std: :ostream& os) const — this query inserts the name of the Ites for which the current object is

responsible into stream os following the format ITEM IAVIE --> MEn...rTEMJ4AME

o if the current object is the last workstation (mjNextworkstation is nullptr ) this query inserts: ITEM_NAME

——> EM) OF LIME .

o in either case, the message is terminated with an end line

. workstation& operator÷=(custoeerorder&& neworder) — moves the custoeerorder referenced in parameter

nevcrder to the back of the queue.


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