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Javafx assignment, CSC255 Programming III Assignment 3: Draw a shape with a different color


Javafx assignment, needs to be done without using scene builder or any gui drag and drop


Professor Sylvia Yeung Page 1

CSC255 Programming III

Assignment 3: Draw a shape with a different color

Total: 100 pts

For all programming assignments, include the following: Writing

codes with suitable documentation comments

1. Write a GUI program using JavaFX codes that enables the user to control various

aspects of drawing from a ComboBox as well as display all information in the


The GUI program is similar to the following figure 1.

Figure 1

a. Set up the menu bar for File and Text menu. See the following figures.

i. File menu includes Shape, Edit, separator, and Exit submenu.

 Shape submenu include five (5) submenus, which create

from RadioMenuItem object: Circle (the default), Oval,

Rectangle, Square, and Line etc.

 Event handle for each submenu: Shape submenu includes

shapes which match with the shapes in the ComboBox.

i.e., if you select “Rectangle”, the ComboBox will also display

“Rectangle”. (See the following figure)

Professor Sylvia Yeung Page 2

 Edit submenu includes Undo and Clear submenus.

a Event handlers for each submenu.

 Exit submenu – event handling for ending the program.

ii. Text menu includes all submenus for changing TextArea’s

information text color, and font.

Text menu includes Color and Font submenus. See below figures.

 Color submenu:

a. Includes four RadioMenuItems.

b. Allow the user to select Black, Blue (the default),

Red, and Green color for the text color. Need to use

ToggleGroup to group together.

 Font submenu:

a. Includes Name and Style submenus.

i. Name submenu: allow the user to select

Helvetica (default), Sans-Serif or Serif

RadioMenuItems for changing font name.

1. Need ToggleGroup to group together

ii. Style submenu: Provide a Bold

CheckMenuItem and an Italic

CheckMenuItem, which, if checked, makes

the text bold, italic or both.

 Event handlers for all necessary submenus.

This program allows the user to:

b. Select which shape to draw from a comb box. A ComboBox class should

provide options including “Circle”, “Oval”, “Rectangle”, “Square”, “Line”,

etc. (Figure 2)

Professor Sylvia Yeung Page 3

Figure 2 Figure 3

i. The first item in the ComboBox should be Circle (the default


ii. Specify whether a shape should be filled or empty when it is

drawn. The user should click a “Filled Color” CheckBox to indicate

filled or empty. In addition, if the drawing comboBox selects the

“Line” option, then this check box will be disable to click. (see

Figure 3)

Figure 4

iii. Select the drawing color from four “Drawing Color”: Black (the

default color), Red, Green, and Blue radio buttons as well as

choose the drawing color from a ColorPicker dialog box. (see

Figure 4)

Professor Sylvia Yeung Page 4

iv. Pen Size with 2 pixels, 4 px (the default size) and 6 px for line

width if the “Filled Color” check box is not selected.

v. Three buttons: Undo, Clear and Exit buttons.

 Undo the previous drawing from Undo button and undo

submenu under File menu

 Clear button and Clear submenu under File menu remove all


 Exit button and Exit submenu under File menu: terminate

the program

vi. (Bottom-Left) Label will display the appropriate coordinates when

the mouse moves. i.e., Mouse move: [120.0, 342.0]

See Figure 5

Figure 5

vii. Set the TextArea with the default text color to blue and

background color to white. Un-Editable TextArea object with the

scroll bar displays all information includes shape, coordinates (x1,

y1) and (x2, y2), area and perimeter which invokes from getArea()

and getPerimeter() methods for all bounded shapes as well as

getName() for all shapes from classes you have created from the

previous assignment.

 The coordinate displays with one decimal places

 The values of area and perimeter display with two

decimal places.

 In addition, the text area will display all history (Figure 6)

Figure 6

viii. Event handlers for all necessary objects.

c. Allow the user to press the mouse button, drag the mouse or release the

mouse button to able to draw any shape based on the user choosing from 

Professor Sylvia Yeung Page 5

the combo box or shape submenu under File menu, the appropriate color,

pen size and whether filled color or not. (see Figure 7)

i. Hint: you can either use “Circle”, “Ellipse”, “Line” and “Rectangle”

classes under javafx.scene.shape package (for example: import

javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse;) for drawing “Circle”, “Oval”,

“Rectangle”, “Square” and “Line” shape onto the pane or use any

methods from javafx.scene.canvas, which can fill/or stroke any

shapes with GraphicsContext

ii. When the mouse is pressed, draw a shape with the appropriate

top-left corner.

iii. When the mouse is released/dragged, draw a shape with the

appropriate bottom-right corner, width and height. [Hint: The

mousePressed method should capture the set of coordinates at

which the user presses and holds the mouse button initially, and

the mouseReleased method should capture the set of

coordinates at which the user releases the mouse button. Both

methods should store the appropriate coordinate values.]

Figure 7

2. You program is similar to the above figures or with more creatives and features.

3. CANNOT use any GUI builder, scene builder and GUI designer to create your

interface. You have to use JavaFX codes to design and create the program.

4. All source codes MUST include the code documentation (For each source file).

5. Copy will receive zero (0) points.

6. Zip all file under xxA3.zip file. Where xx is your name’s initials.


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