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In this assignment, you wil design (using pseudocode) and implement(usingJava) a program that will allow users to interrogate a cleaned subset


Program Description

This assignment forms a major part of the assessment (up to 30%) for the Program Design and Implementation

unit.   Please   keep   up-to-date   with   announcements   on Blackboard to ensure that all that is required is submitted  at  the  appropriate  time.

Please  read  this  document  carefully,  as  extensions  will not  be  granted  due  to  the  misreading  of  this  document. If   you   are   unsure   of   something,   please   contact   the teaching  staff  for  clarification.


Different organisations throughout the world  make large amounts of data publicly accessible for free –

what   is   commonly   known   as   “open   data”.   The   Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is

one  such  organisation,  with  a  current  project  gathering information  regarding  the  spread  of  COVID-19.  To  find out  more  about  this  project,  please  visit  the  following GitHub  repository  (https://github.com/ec-jrc/COVID-19).

One of the outputs of this project  is  a  dataset detailing the active and historical cases of COVID-19 by   country   and   category   (available   for   download   at

this  link).  The  dataset  is  updated  frequently  (you  can see daily updates in the repository) and contains the volumes  of  cases  over  time.

The Big Picture

In this assignment, you will design (using pseudocode) and implement (using Java) a program that will allow

users to interrogate a cleaned subset of the data to understand the spread of COVID-19 throughout the

world. In the real world, we may wish to understand all  (or  most)  of  the  data  attributes  (i.e.  ‘columns’)  and

records (i.e. ‘rows’) in the dataset and keep the data up to date each day. However, there is no need to

worry; you can relax, we won’t need to go this far.

You   will   only   need   to   use   the   specified   extract.

There is a lot of data in the file which can be analysed. An important thing to know is that there



are six different continents where countries can be located  within  (with  notations  in  brackets):

- Asia (AS);

- Europe  (EU);

- Africa (AF);

- South America (SA);

- North America (NA);

- Oceania  (OC).

For   this   assignment,   the   other   important   breakdowns are  by  country  and  date.

Your  program  will  create  knowledge  by  generating

statistics  in  response  to  user  requests,  using  the  data within  the  provided  .csv file.  The  data  will  need  to  be processed through the creation of objects and then the  appropriate  calculations  performed.

The Tasks

The following details  the  tasks  that  form  the  basis of   the   assignment.   Please   continUe   to   tfie   next   page   to read  tfie  tasks.



1. The Data

Here is a screen capture showing a sample of the data that  is  in  the  .csv file  to  be  processed.  The  data  will be extracted from the file and loaded  into  your program  for  processing.

Note:   the   data   file   you   have   been   provided   with   has been    modified,    with    some    data    (columns    and    rows) removed and column names changed. Hence, if you go

to the JRC GitHub repository listed  above  and download a more up-to-date version, you will need to either delete several columns or ignore them when you process  the  data.


Figure   1:  A  screenshot  of  (a  portion  of)  the  data  file.

2. Required Classes and Class Fields

For this program, you are required to  write  two classes:

- CovidRecord class;

- Country class.



The CovidRecord class will have the following class fields (instance  variables):

- date (String)

- cumulativePositive (Integer)

- cumulativeDeceased (Integer)

- cumulativeRecovered (Integer)

- currentlyPositive (Integer)

- hospitalized (Integer)

- intensiveCare (Integer)

- country (a Country object)

The Country class will have the following class fields (instance  variables):

- iso3 (String)

- continent (String)

- countryName (String)

- nuts (String)

- lat (Real  Number)

- long (Real  Number)

Note:   CovidRecord  class   contains   a   Country  class   as   one of  its  class  fields.

You are required to design these classes in pseudocode and implement them in Java to be used within your program.

3. Menu System

As  you  have  done  in  the  practical  worksheets,  you  will implement a menu system that provides the user with the options to select what areas they will carry out

an analysis on and what specifics will be  in  the analysis.

The first menu will ask users for which grouping they would  like  to  interrogate,  where  ‘XYZ’  will  be  replaced with  the  number  of  records  loaded:



Welcome to the JRC COVID-19 Analysis Program. There are a total of ‘XYZ’ records loaded. Please make a selection from the Menu below to choose which area (or date) to analyse:


> All countries

> Countries in South America

> Countries in North America

> Countries in Oceania

> Countries in Asia

> Countries in Africa

> Countries in Europe

> Enter a Country

> Enter a Date

Enter selection:

You are required to design this menu in pseudocode and  implement  it  in  Java  within  your  progra



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