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Identify three potential job opportunities you would consider applying for. You shall save the job specifications




1. Task 1: Employability Portfolio (30% of Assignment Grade) Assesses Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 4, and 5

In your previous submission you compiled an Employability Portfolio. You should, based on feedback from last semester's submission, improve this. As a reminder, the employability portfolio is expected to consist of the following:


a. Identify three potential job opportunities you would consider applying for. You shall save the job specifications of these opportunities to submit as part of your employability portfolio.


b. You will select one of the above job opportunities to be the focus of your employability portfolio. For that job role, you will research the job and employer (including their recruitment/interview process), and use that research to:

Create a tailored CV of no more than 2 sides of A4. You should

annotate this to demonstrate the relevance of the research.

Write a tailored Cover Letter of no more than 1 side of A4. You should

annotate this to demonstrate the relevance of the research.


c. You will combine these task elements into a single Word Document. A handy checklist

is provided below:

i. Three potential job specifications

ii. Research into target job and employer

iii. Tailored CV with annotations

iv. Tailored Cover Letter with annotations


Task 2: Group Project (70% of Assignment Grade) Assesses Learning Outcomes 1, 3, 4 and 5

You will improve upon your team's software deliverables, enhancing at least one of the software products created in a meaningful way. This might involve the addition of new features, improving the user interface or experience, or adding new levels. This will be assessed in the following ways:


a. Individual Contribution. You will record a video log describing, in detail, the contributions you have made to the project (both during the semester in which the module ran, and this resit period). This video will be no more than 10 minutes in length. You should include within the video log recorded footage of the software in action demonstrating the enhancements you have made, even if the software is not feature- complete. You should also include a link to the project's code repository within the video.


Marks will be awarded for the magnitude of the contribution made to the software (both during the semester in which the module ran, and this resit period), the detail of the content within the video log, the accessibility of the content to the view, and the overall quality of the video presentation. This video log worth 40% of the overall assignment grade.


b. Overall Project Review. As an individual, you will prepare a report highlighting your work on the project. This report is worth 30% of the overall assignment grade. Within this report, which must be no longer than five pages including figures/screenshots/ images, you should:

i. Introduce the Project. What was the customer specification? What was your pitch? What changed based on pitch feedback?

ii. Discuss the Project’s Conduct. How well did the team work? Were there communication issues? Did everyone put the same effort in? Over the course of development, what changes did you find you had to make to the initial concept? Why?




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