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Delete the bonus record and print the destructor message


#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;



//*                         Symbolic Constants                         *


#define COMPANY_ALLOC_ERR            1       //

#define EMPLOYEE_ALLOC_ERR           3       //

#define MAX_NAME_LENGTH              80      // Maximum length of the company name

#define NAME_ALLOC_ERR               2       //



//*                         Program Structures                         *


// Database record of company information

struct company_info


   const char *p_company_name;   //

   float bonus_year;        //

   int   years_worked,      //

      employee_quantity; //




//*                           Program Classes                          *


// Database record of company employee bonuses

class employee_records


   int   id,            //

      service_years, //

      year_hired;    //

   float bonus;         //


   // Set the data members

   void set_id(int   i) { id = i; }

   void set_service_years(int   s) { service_years = s; }

   void set_year_hired(int   y) { year_hired = y; }

   void set_bonus(float b) { bonus = b; }


   // Get the data members

   int   get_id() { return id; }

   int   get_service_years() { return service_years; }

   int   get_year_hired() { return year_hired; }

   float get_bonus() { return bonus; }


   // Destructor, delete the employee bonus records database





//*      Delete the bonus record and print the destructor message      *


employee_records :: ~employee_records()


   cout << "Destructor executing ...";




//*                        Function Prototypes                         *


void print_instructions();

// Print the program instructions

struct company_info *get_company_info();


employee_records get_employees(struct company_info new_company_info);


void print_employees(employee_records *p_employee_records, int employee_quantity,

   const char *p_order_sort);


void sort_employees(int employee_quantity,

   employee_records *p_employee_start);


void fatal_error(int error_number, const char *p_company_name,

   const char *p_function_name);



//*                           Main Function                            *


int main()


   struct company_info *p_company_info = NULL;

   employee_records *p_employee_records = NULL;


   // Print the program heading and instructions



   // Get and print the company information

   p_company_info = get_company_info();

   cout << "\n\nCompany name:        " << p_company_info->p_company_name;

   cout << "\nYear of the bonuses: " << p_company_info->years_worked;

   cout << "\nNumber of employees: " << p_company_info->employee_quantity;

   cout << "\nBonus per year:      " << p_company_info->bonus_year;


   // Get and print the unsorted employee bonus records database


   *p_employee_records = get_employees(*p_company_info);

   print_employees(p_employee_records,p_company_info->employee_quantity,"IN UNSORTED ORDER:");


   // Get and print the sorted employee bonus records database







   // Release memory allocated for database of employee bonus records



   delete   p_company_info;


   // Say goodbye and terminate the program

   cout << "\n\n\nThanks for processing employee bonuses today ;)";

   cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n";

   return 0;




//*                  Print the program instructions                    *


void print_instructions()


   cout << "\n       ========================================================";

   cout << "\nThis program asks for information about your company and";

   cout << "\nabout each employee. It then calculates the bonus amount";

   cout << "\nowed each employee based on the number of service years.";





//*                                     *


struct company_info *get_company_info()


   char   company_name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; //

   struct company_info *p_company_info = NULL;      //


   // Allocate memory for the company information



      p_company_info = new company_info;/*****************************************************************/

      //p_company_info = NULL;


   catch (bad_alloc xa)


      //fatal_error(COMPANY_ALLOC_ERR, "company name", "get_company_info");

      fatal_error(COMPANY_ALLOC_ERR, p_company_info->p_company_name, "get_company_info");



   // Allocate and get the company name




      p_company_info->p_company_name = new char[81];

     // p_company_info->p_company_name = new char[strlen(company_name) + 1];


   catch (bad_alloc xa)


      fatal_error(NAME_ALLOC_ERR, p_company_info->p_company_name, "get_company_info");


   cout << "\nEnter the name of your company here (no spaces): ";

   cin >> company_name;

   strcpy_s(company_name, strlen(p_company_info->p_company_name) + 1, p_company_info->p_company_name);

   //strcpy_s(company_name, strlen(p_company_info->p_company_name) + 1, p_company_info->p_company_name);


   cout << company_name;

   //cout << p_company_info->p_company_name;


   // Get the number of employees



      cout << "\nEnter your number of employees (1 or more): ";

      cin >> p_company_info->employee_quantity;

   } while (p_company_info->employee_quantity < 1);


   // Get the year of the bonuses

   cout << "Enter the year in which the bonuses are given (YYYY): ";

   cin >> p_company_info->years_worked;


   // Get the yearly bonus

   cout << "Give the yearly bonus amount per employee (in dollars): ";

   cin >> p_company_info->bonus_year;


   //Return pointer to the structure

   return p_company_info;




//*             *


employee_records get_employees(struct company_info new_company_info)


   employee_records *p_start_employees = NULL,

      *p_moving_employees = NULL;

   int              id = 1,



   // Allocate the employee bonus database



      p_start_employees = new employee_records;


   catch (bad_alloc xa)


      //fatal_error(EMPLOYEE_ALLOC_ERR, "Company Name", "get_employees");

      fatal_error(EMPLOYEE_ALLOC_ERR, new_company_info.p_company_name, "get_employees");


   p_moving_employees = p_start_employees;


   // Get every employee's years of service



      // Loop processing valid number of service years



         cout << "\n\nEnter the number of service years of employee # " << id

            << ".";

         cout << "\nEnter 0 (zero) if this employee does not exist:";

         cin >> service_years;


         if (service_years < 0)


            cout << "\n   The service years must be 0 or greater.";

            cout << "\n   Please reenter the number of service years.";


      } while (service_years < 0);




      if (service_years > 0)




         p_moving_employees->set_year_hired((int)(new_company_info.bonus_year - service_years));

         p_moving_employees->set_bonus((float)(new_company_info.years_worked * service_years));





   } while ((p_moving_employees - p_start_employees) < new_company_info.employee_quantity);


   // Return the pointer to the database of employee records

   return *p_start_employees;




//*                                     *


void print_employees(employee_records *p_employee_records, int employee_quantity,

   const char *p_order_sort)


   employee_records *p_employee = NULL; // Points to the every employee record


   cout << "\n\nHere is the employee database, " << p_order_sort

      << ":";

   cout << "\n====================================================";

   cout << "\nEmployee Id   Service Years   Year Hired   Bonus Amt";

   cout << "\n-----------   -------------   ----------   ---------";


   for (p_employee = p_employee_records;

      (int)(p_employee - p_employee_records) < (employee_quantity - 1); p_employee++)


      cout << "\n     " << p_employee->get_id()

         << "     ";

      cout << "         " << p_employee->get_service_years()

         << "      ";

      cout << "      " << p_employee->get_year_hired()

         << "    ";

      cout << "    $" << p_employee->get_bonus();






//*                                     *


void sort_employees(int employee_quantity, employee_records *p_employee_start)


   employee_records *p_employee_moving = NULL, //


   int              sort_counter;               //


   for (sort_counter = 1; (sort_counter < employee_quantity); sort_counter++)


      for (p_employee_moving = p_employee_start;

         (int)(p_employee_moving - p_employee_start) <

         (employee_quantity - sort_counter);)


         if (p_employee_moving->get_service_years() <

            (p_employee_moving + 1)->get_service_years())


            temporary_employees = *p_employee_moving;

            *p_employee_moving = *(p_employee_moving + 1);

            *(p_employee_moving + 1) = temporary_employees;










//*                                     *


void fatal_error(int error_number, const char *p_company_name, const char *p_function_name)


   cout << "\n\nError # " << error_number

      << " occurred in the " << p_function_name

      << " function, unable to allocate memory for " << p_company_name;

   cout << "\nThe program is aborting...";







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