Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount $user = whoami $user = $user.Split("\")[1] $now = Get-Date $file_path = "C:\Users\{0}\OneDrive - Management Controls, Inc\Desktop\powerbi-api-dataset-info-{1}-{2}_{3}{4}{5}.csv" -F $user, $now.Month, $now.Day, $now.Hour, $now.Minute, $now.Second "DatasetID, LastRefreshdt, Result, days, times" | Out-File -FilePath $file_path -Append -Encoding ASCII $InputURL = '/admin/capacities/refreshables?$top=5000&' + '&$expand=group' $ParsedResponse = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url $InputURL -Method Get | ConvertFrom-Json # Retrieve the workspaces $workspacesUrl = "" $workspacesResponse = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url $workspacesUrl -Method Get |
ConvertFrom-Json $workspaces = $workspacesResponse.value $LastRefreshdt = $ParsedResponse.value.lastRefresh.endTime $Result = $ParsedResponse.value.lastRefresh.status # Iterate over each workspace foreach ($workspace in $workspaces) { $workspaceId = $ # Retrieve datasets for the current workspace $datasetsUrl = "$workspaceId/datasets" $datasetsResponse = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url $datasetsUrl -Method Get | ConvertFrom-Json $datasets = $datasetsResponse.value # Iterate over each dataset in the workspace foreach ($dataset in $datasets) { $datasetId = $ $refreshScheduleUrl = "$datasetId/refreshSchedule" $refreshScheduleResponse = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Url $refreshScheduleUrl -Method Get |
ConvertFrom-Json $refreshSchedule = $refreshScheduleResponse.value $days = $refreshScheduleResponse.days -join ", " $times = $refreshScheduleResponse.times -join ", " "{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}" -F $datasetId, $LastRefreshdt[$i], $Result[$i], $days, $times | Out-File -FilePath $file_path -Append -Encoding ASCII $i++ } } Using powershell, i am trying to export this code to a csv file. when i do, days and times are not showing as intended. for each dataset, if it refreshes, then in the same cell it should be like this: monday, tuesday, wednesday, etc however all days are showing in different cells.
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