Project is the project link with detailed instructions. Is has weekly milestone deadlines , milestone 1 already done, need help with others.
Milestone 1
Overview of the Classes to Be Developed for Milestone 1
Date Class
A class the encapsulates year, and month and day values for Date stamp, comparison and Date IO purposes.
MenuItem Class
A class that hold a text Item; (an option or title to be displayed) in a menu to be selected by the user. This is a fully private class that is only accessible by Menu (see next class)
Menu Class
A class that has several MenuItems to be displayed so the user can select one of them for an action to be executed in the program
The Date Class
The Date class was partially implemented by another program that left the company and it is your responsibility to complete the implementation:
The date class encapsulates the following values:
Year; an integer between the year 1500 till today
Month, an integer between 1 and 12
Day, an integer between 1 and the number of days in the month.
Error code; an integer that holds the code that corresponds to an error that recently happened or ZERO if the date object is valid and ready to be used.
Current year; an integer that is automatically initialized to the current date of the system for validation purposes when a Date object is instantiated.
The Date module (implemented in files Date.h and Date.cpp) is well documented and is placed in the project directory.
Already implemented methods of the Date class and helper functions of Date
Private functions:
int daysSince0001_1_1()const;
returns number of days passed since the date 0001/1/1
bool validate();
Validates the date setting the error code and then returns true, if valid, and false if invalid.
void errCode(int theErrorCode);
sets the error code value
int systemYear()const;
returns the current system year (2021 for this semester)
bool bad()const;
returns true if the Date is in an erroneous state.
int mdays()const;
returns the number of days in current month (the month stored in m_mon attribute)
void setToToday();
sets the date to the current date (system date)
Public functions and Constructors
creates a date with current date
Date(int year, int mon, int day);
creates a date with assigned values then validates the date and sets the error code accordingly
int errCode()const;
returns the error code or zero if date is valid
const char* dateStatus()const;
returns a string stating the current status of the date
int currentYear()const;
returns the m_CUR_YEAR attribute value
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Date& RO);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Date& RO);
Overloads of insertion and extraction operators to call write and read methods of Date
Study the class and learn what each constant, variable and member function does and then using those functions and your knowledge of iostream, cin and cout, add the following member functions to the Date class:
Your task is to develop the following
the read method
std::istream& read(std::istream& is = std::cin);
This function reads a date from the console in the following format YYYY/MM/DD as follows:
Clears the error code by setting it NO_ERROR
Reads the year, the month and the day member variables using istream and ignores a single character after the year and the month values to bypass the Slashes.
Note that the separators do not have to be Slash characters “/” but any separator that is not an integer number.
Checks if istream has failed. If it did fail, it will set the error code to CIN_FAILED and clears the istream. If not, it will validate the values entered.
Flushes the keyboard
Returns the istream object
The write method
std::ostream& write(std::ostream& os = std::cout)const;
If the Date object is in a “bad” state (it is invalid) print the “dateStatus()”. Otherwise, the function should write the date in the following format using the ostream object:
Prints the year
Prints a Slash “/”
Prints the month in two spaces, padding the left digit with zero if the month is a single-digit number
Prints a Slash “/”
Prints the day in two spaces, padding the left digit with zero if the day is a single-digit number
Makes sure the padding is set back to spaces from zero
Returns the ostream object.
Comparison operator overload methods
Overload the following comparison operators to compare two dates.
bool operator==
bool operator!=
bool operator>=
bool operator<=
bool operator<
bool operator>
Use the return value of the daysSince0001_1_1() method to compare the two dates:
Operator- method
Returns the difference between two Dates in days.
D1(2019, 12, 02),
D2(2019, 11, 11);
int days = D1 - D2;
days in the above code snippet will hold the value 21.
bool type conversion operator
It will return true if the date is valid and false if it is not.
Date Tester program
Write your own tester or use the following tester program to test and debug your Date class.
// Final Project Milestone 1
// Date Tester program
// File dateTester.cpp
// Version 1.0
// Date 2021/10/29
// Author Fardad Soleimanloo
// Description
// This programs test the student coding to complete of the Date class
// When testing before submission: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE IN ANY WAY
// Revision History
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Name Date Reason
// Fardad 2021/10/29 Preliminary release
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "Date.h"
using namespace sdds;
// A fool proof Date entry from console
Date getDate();
int main() {
D1, // daysSince0001_1_1 to be recieved from console
D2(2021, 10, 29);
cout << "Current Date: " << D1 << endl;
cout << D1 - D2 << " days since ms1 was published" << endl;
cout << "Please enter a date to be compared to " << D2 << endl
<< "(Also try some invalid values for testing): " << endl
<< "YYYY/MM/DD > ";
D1 = getDate();
cout << "Your Entry: " << D1 << endl;
cout << "Set by program to 2021/10/29: " << D2 << endl;
cout << "Days between the two dates: " << D1 - D2 << endl;
cout << "All the following statements must be correct: " << endl;
if (D1 > D2) {
cout << D1 << " > " << D2 << endl;
else {
cout << D1 << " <= " << D2 << endl;
if (D1 < D2) {
cout << D1 << " < " << D2 << endl;
else {
cout << D1 << " >= " << D2 << endl;
if (D1 <= D2) {
cout << D1 << " <= " << D2 << endl;
else {
cout << D1 << " > " << D2 << endl;
if (D1 >= D2) {
cout << D1 << " >= " << D2 << endl;
else {
cout << D1 << " < " << D2 << endl;
if (D1 == D2) {
cout << D1 << " == " << D2 << endl;
else {
cout << D1 << " != " << D2 << endl;
if (D1 != D2) {
cout << D1 << " != " << D2 << endl;
else {
cout << D1 << " == " << D2 << endl;
return 0;
Date getDate() {
Date D;
do {
cin >> D; // get D from console
} while (!D && cout << D.dateStatus() << ", Please try again > "); // if D is invalid, print error message and loop
return D;
output sample
Note that the current date will change based on the day of execution
Current Date: 2021/10/29
0 days since ms1 was published
Please enter a date to be compared to 2021/10/29
(Also try some invalid values for testing):
YYYY/MM/DD > abc
cin Failed, Please try again > 1/1/1
Bad Year Value, Please try again > 2021/0/0
Bad Month Value, Please try again > 2021/10/30
Your Entry: 2021/10/30
Set by program to 2021/10/29: 2021/10/29
Days between the two dates: 1
All the following statements must be correct:
2021/10/30 > 2021/10/29
2021/10/30 >= 2021/10/29
2021/10/30 > 2021/10/29
2021/10/30 >= 2021/10/29
2021/10/30 != 2021/10/29
2021/10/30 != 2021/10/29
The Menu Module
Create a module called Menu (in files Menu.cpp and Menu.h) this module will hold both MenuItem and Menu Classes’ implementation code.
Since the Menu class owns its MenuItem objects, it must have full control over the MenuItem creation. To implement this, have the declaration of the MenuItem and Menu class in the following sequence:
Forward declare the class Menu in the header file.
Implement the MenuItem class declaration (fully private) with Menu class as a friend. (see MenuItem class)
Implement the Menu class declaration. (See Menu Class)
The MenuItem Class
Create a class called MenuItem. This class holds only one Cstring of characters for the content of the menu item dynamically. The length of the content is unknown. This class should be fully private (no public members; even constructor is private!):
Make the “Menu” class a friend of this class (which makes MenuItem class only accessible by the Menu class).
friend class Menu;
Allocates and sets the content of the MenuItem to a Cstring value at the moment of instantiation (or initialization). If no value is provided for the description at the moment of creation, the MenuItem should be set to an empty state.
Rule of Three
A MenuItem object cannot be copied from or assigned to another MenuItem object.
(Copy constructor and Copy assignment are deleted)
Deallocates the content
bool type conversion
When a MenuItem is casted to “bool” it should return true, if it is not empty and it should return false if it is empty.
const char* type conversion
When a MenuItem is casted to “const char*” it should return the address of the content Cstring.
displaying the MenuItem
Create a method to display the content of the MenuItem on ostream. (No newline is printed after)
Nothing is printed if MenuItem is empty.
Remember that the MenuItem class is fully private.
The Menu Class
Create the Menu class as follows:
Rule of Three
A Menu Object can not be copied or assigned to another Menu Object. (Copy constructor and Copy assignment are deleted)
This class has a minimum of three attributes.
A MenuItem to possibly hold the title of the Menu.
An array of MenuItem pointers. The size of this array is set by a constant unsigned integer defined in the Menu header file; called MAX_MENU_ITEMS. Have the MAX_MENU_ITEMS integer initialized to 20. This array will keep potential MenuItems added to the Menu. Each individual element of this array will hold the address of a dynamically allocated MenuItem as they are added to the Menu. (See insertion operator overload for Menu)
Initialize this array of pointers to nullptrs.
An integer to keep track of how many MenuItem pointers are pointing to dynamic MenuItem objects. (obviously, the value of this variable is always between 0 and MAX_MENU_ITEMS).
A Menu is always created empty; with no MenuItems, with or without a title.
Menu A;
Menu B("Lunch Menu");
Looping through the MenuItems array of pointers, it deletes each pointer up to the number of menu items in the menu.
Suggestion: create a function to display the title of the Menu on ostream if the title is not empty, otherwise, it does nothing.
Create a function to display the entire Menu on ostream:
This function first displays the title (if it is not empty) followed by a ":" and a new-line, then it will display all the MenuItems one by one; adding a row number in front of each. The row numbers are printed in two spaces, right justified followed by a "dash" and a "space". After printing all the MenuItems it should print " 0- Exit" and new-line and "> ".
For example if the title is "Lunch Menu" and the menu items are "Omelet", "Tuna Sandwich" and "California Rolls", the Menu object should be printed like this:
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Rolls
0- Exit
Create a member function called run. This function displays the Menu and gets the user selection.
(this function should be completely foolproof) The function receives nothing and returns an unsigned integer (That is the user’s selection). After displaying the menu, ask for an integer and make sure the value of the integer is between 0 and the number of the menu items. If the user enters anything incorrect, print:
"Invalid Selection, try again: "
and get the integer again until a valid selection is made.
Nice to do:
The action of a foolproof integer entry within limits, with a prompt and an error message is a good candidate for a separate function implementation in the Utils module
Overload operator~ to do exactly what the run function does (two different ways to run the menu)
Overload a member insertion operator (operator<<) to add a MenuItem to the Menu.
Menu& Menu::operator<<(const char* menuitemConent);
This operator receives a C-style string containing the content of the MenuItem and returns the reference of the Menu object (*this).
To accomplish this, check if the next spot for a MenuItem is available in the array of MenuItem pointers. If it is, dynamically create a MenuItem out of the content received through the operator argument and then store the address in the available spot and finally increase the number of allocated MenuItem pointers by one.
If no spot is available, ( that is; if number of allocated MenuItem pointers is equal to MAX_MENU_ITEMS) this function silently ignores the action.
At the end, return the reference of the Menu object.
Usage example:
int a;
Menu M;
M << "Omelet" << "Tuna Sandwich" << "California Rolls";
a =
cout << "Your selection " << a << endl;
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Rolls
0- Exit
> 3 <ENTER>
Your selection 3
Overload two type conversions for int and unsigned int to return the number of MenuItems on the Menu.
Overload the type conversion for bool to return true if the Menu has one or more MenuItems otherwise, false;
Overload the insertion operator to print the title of the Menu using cout.
Example for the last three overloads:
Menu M ("Lunch Menu");
M << "Omelet" << "Tuna Sandwich" << "California Rolls";
if (M) { // bool conversion
cout << "The " << M << " is not empty and has " // insertion operator overload
<< unsigned int(M) << " menu items." << endl; // const int conversion (int conversion not tested)
The Lunch Menu is not empty and has 3 menu items.
Overload the indexing operator to return the const char* cast of the corresponding MenuItem in the array of MenuItem pointers. If the index passes the number of MenuItems in the Menu, loop back to the beginning. (use modulus)
Menu M;
M << "Omelet" << "Tuna Sandwich" << "California Rolls";
cout << M[0] << endl;
cout << M[1] << endl;
cout << M[3] << endl; // << note that the last valid index is "2"
The above code snippet will print the following:
Tuna Sandwich
Menu tester program
Write your own tester or use the following tester program to test and debug your Menu class.
// Final Project Milestone 1
// Menu Module
// File menuTester.cpp
// Version 1.0
// Author Fardad Soleimanloo
// Revision History
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Name Date Reason
// Fardad 2021/10/29 Preliminary release
#include <iostream>
#include "Menu.h"
#include "Utils.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace sdds;
void showOrder(const unsigned int* cnt, const Menu& M);
int main() {
unsigned int selections[3]{};
unsigned int s;
Menu m1("Lunch Menu"), m2;
if (m2) {
cout << "Wrong output, your bool cast is done incorrenctly!";
else {
cout << "The >" << m2 << "< menu is empty" << endl;
m1 << "Omelet" << "Tuna Sandwich" << "California Roll";
m2 << "Order more";
if (m1) {
cout << "The " << m1 << " is not empty and has " << (unsigned int)(m1) << " menu items." << endl;
do {
s =;
if (s) {
selections[s - 1]++;
cout << "you chose " << m1[s - 1] << endl;
} while (s != 0 || ~m2 != 0);
showOrder(selections, m1);
return 0;
void showOrder(const unsigned int* cnt, const Menu& M) {
bool orderedSomthing = false;
cout << "Your orders: " << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (cnt[i]) {
orderedSomthing = true;
cout << cnt[i] << " " << M[i] << (cnt[i] > 1 ? "s" : "") << endl;
if (!orderedSomthing) cout << "You didn't order anything!" << endl;
Sample Execution
The >< menu is empty
The Lunch Menu is not empty and has 3 menu items.
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Roll
0- Exit
> 1
you chose Omelet
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Roll
0- Exit
> 1
you chose Omelet
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Roll
0- Exit
> 2
you chose Tuna Sandwich
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Roll
0- Exit
> 2
you chose Tuna Sandwich
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Roll
0- Exit
> 2
you chose Tuna Sandwich
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Roll
0- Exit
> abc
Invalid Selection, try again: 5
Invalid Selection, try again: -1
Invalid Selection, try again: 0
1- Order more
0- Exit
> 0
Your orders:
2 Omelets
3 Tuna Sandwichs
This file contains both date and menu testers functions and runs them at once for submission:
ms1_tester output
MS1 Submission and the due date
Milestone 1 optimal due date is Nov 9th, 23:59 .
If you would like to successfully complete the project and be on time, start early and try to meet all the due dates of the milestones.
Upload your source code and the tester program (Utils.cpp, Utils.h, Date.cpp, Date.h, Menu.cpp, Menu.h and ms1_tester.cpp) to your matrix account. Compile and run your code using the g++ compiler as shown in the introduction and make sure that everything works properly.
Then, run the following command from your account (replace profname.proflastname with your professor’s Seneca userid):
~profname.proflastname/submit 2??/prj/m1
and follow the instructions.
2?? is replaced with your subject code
The submit program's options:
~prof_name.prof_lastname/submit DeliverableName [-submission options]<ENTER>
[-submission option] acceptable values:
Shows due dates only
This option cannot be used in combination with any other option.
Do the submission regardless of incorrect horizontal spacing.
This option may attract penalty.
Do the submission regardless of incorrect vertical spacing.
This option may attract penalty.
Check the program execution without submission.
Back to milestones
Milestone 2
The Seneca Library Application Module
Your task for milestone 2 is to build a mockup application for the Seneca Library Application in a module called LibApp.
The LibApp class demos the execution of the Seneca Library Application with printing messages instead of actually doing the tasks.
Later these messages are replaced with actual working modules to make the application functional.
Creating a mockup application before developing the main program helps to understand the entire system and also demonstrates the execution of the program to the client before the application is fully developed.
You are going to use the Menu Module in this milestone.
Modules (files) included in this milestone:
Before starting the milestone you have to make a minor modification to the title of the Menu class:
Remove the colon (":") character after displaying the title of the Menu
Lunch Menu:
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Rolls
0- Exit
MS2 Menu:
Lunch Menu
1- Omelet
2- Tuna Sandwich
3- California Rolls
0- Exit
Note: these types of modifications to previously written code are very common to accommodate newly developed logic.
The LibApp Module
create a class called LibApp with following attributes:
LibApp Attributes
bool m_changed;
Menu m_mainMenu;
Menu m_exitMenu;
A flag to keep track of changes made to the application data. This flag is initially set to false. If any change is made to the data of the application, this flag is set to true.
Doing so, when exiting the program, we can warn the user and ask if they like the changes to be saved or discarded.
This menu will be used as the main menu of the application and should be initialized with the following title:
"Seneca Libray Application"
and then populated with the following menu items:
"Add New Publication"
"Remove Publication"
"Checkout publication from library"
"Return publication to library"
This menu will be used when exiting the program if any changes are made to the data. This menu should be initialized with the following title:
"Changes have been made to the data, what would you like to do?"
and then populated with the following menu items:
"Save changes and exit"
"Cancel and go back to the main menu"
Private Methods
bool confirm(const char* message);
Instantiate a Menu in this function and initialize it with the message argument.
Then add only a "yes" as a single menu item to the Menu.
Finally, run the menu and return true if the run method of Menu returns 1 and otherwise this function returns false.
Simple private fuctions:
void load(); // prints: "Loading Data"<NEWLINE>
void save(); // prints: "Saving Data"<NEWLINE>
void search(); // prints: "Searching for publication"<NEWLINE>
void returnPub(); /* Calls the search() method.
prints "Returning publication"<NEWLINE>
prints "Publication returned"<NEWLINE>
sets m_changed to true;
Methods with confirmation
void newPublication();
MS2 V1.1
prints "Adding new publication to library"+newline
calls the search method MS2-1.1
calls the confirm method with "Add this publication to library?"
if confrim returns true, it will set m_changed to true and prints "Publication added" + newline
void removePublication();
prints "Removing publication from library"+newline
calls the search method
calls the confirm method with "Remove this publication from the library?"
if confrim returns true, it will set m_changed to true and prints "Publication removed" + newline
void checkOutPub();
calls the search method
calls the confirm method with Check out publication?"
if confrim returns true, it will set m_changed to true and prints "Publication checked out" + newline
Constructor should initialize and set the attributes and load the publication records from database
Initializes the attributes (see the attribute section)
populates the Menu attributes
calls the `load()`` method
MS2 Submission and the due date
The run method
The run method is the main application driver.
It displays the main menu and based on the user's selection calls the corresponding private method and repeats the above until the user chooses to exit.
When the user selects exit, the value of m_changed is examined. If the value is false, then since the data of the application is not modified, the program terminates.
If the value is true, the m_exitMenu is used by calling its run method. Doing so the user has the selection of saving and exiting, cancelling and going back to the main menu or exiting without saving.
If the first one is selected, the save() method is called and the program terminates.
If the second one is selected the program goes back to the main menu and execution continues.
If the exit is selected, then the confirm menu will be called using the message: "This will discard all the changes are you sure?". If the user selects Yes, the program terminates. Otherwise, the program goes back to the main menu and execution resumes.
When the program is terminated, the following message is printed:
Thanks for using Seneca Library Application
suggested pseudo code:
loop until done
display menu
if first option new publication otherwise
if second option remove publication otherwise
if third option checkout otherwise
if fourth option return publication otherwise
if changed
Warning menu and choices
if save selected save and its done otherwise
if discard selected
final confirmation for exit
if exit selected
its done (no saving)
end if
end if
otherwise (no change)
it is done
end if
end if
end loop
goodbye message
Tester program
// Final Project Milestone 2
// LibApp Mockup Module
// File ms2_tester.cpp
// Version 1.0
// Author Fardad Soleimanloo
// Revision History
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Name Date Reason
// Fardad 2021/11/09 Preliminary release
#include <iostream>
#include "LibApp.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
sdds::LibApp theApp;
cout << endl << "Testing exiting with no change:" << endl;;
cout << endl << "Testing exiting with change and discarding data:" << endl;;
cout << endl << "Testing exiting with change and saving data:" << endl;;
cout << endl << "Testing all actions:" << endl;;
return 0;
/* data to be entered for testing:
1- 1
2- 0
3- 0
4- 2
5- 1
6- 0
7- 0
8- 1
9- 3
10- 1
11- 0
12- 1
13- 4
14- 0
15- 2
16- 0
17- 1
MS2 Output
MS2 Submission and the due date
If you would like to successfully complete the project and be on time, start early and try to meet all the due dates of the milestones.
Upload your source code and the tester program (Utils.cpp, Utils.h, Menu.cpp, Menu.h, LibApp.cpp, LibApp.h and ms2_tester.cpp) to your matrix account. Compile and run your code using the g++ compiler as shown in the introduction and make sure that everything works properly.
Then, run the following command from your account (replace profname.proflastname with your professor’s Seneca userid):
~profname.proflastname/submit 2??/prj/m2
and follow the instructions.
2?? is replaced with your subject code
The submit program's options:
~prof_name.prof_lastname/submit DeliverableName [-submission options]<ENTER>
[-submission option] acceptable values:
Shows due dates only
This option cannot be used in combination with any other option.
Do the submission regardless of incorrect horizontal spacing.
This option may attract penalty.
Do the submission regardless of incorrect vertical spacing.
This option may attract penalty.
Check the program execution without submission.
Back to milestones
Milestone 3
Streamable Interface module and Publication class module
An Interface is an abstract base class with only pure virtual functions.
This milestone will include the Date and Utils modules.
Before starting to develop milestone 3, please apply the following modifications to the Date module:
In Date.cpp
In Date::read() method: remove "flushing the keyboard" (i.e. cin.ignore(1000,'\n')) at the end of your read function. The read function should not flush the keyboard when the reading process is done.
Add the following global variable (for testing purposes) to the top of the sdds namespace in Date.cpp.
bool sdds_test = false;
int sdds_year = 2021;
int sdds_mon = 12;
int sdds_day = 25;
replace systemYear and setToToday methods with the following:
int Date::systemYear()const {
int theYear = sdds_year;
if (!sdds_test) {
time_t t = time(NULL);
tm lt = *localtime(&t);
theYear = lt.tm_year + 1900;
return theYear;
void Date::setToToday() {
if (sdds_test) {
m_day = sdds_day;
m_mon = sdds_mon;
m_year = sdds_year;
else {
time_t t = time(NULL);
tm lt = *localtime(&t);
m_day = lt.tm_mday;
m_mon = lt.tm_mon + 1;
m_year = lt.tm_year + 1900;
in Date.h
Add the following to the bottom of the sdds namespace; This will make the global variables added to Date.cpp, truly global for any code including "Date.h".
extern bool sdds_test;
extern int sdds_year;
extern int sdds_mon;
extern int sdds_day;
Types of publications in Seneca Library
Seneca Library holds two types of Publication; Periodical (like newspapers and Magazines) and Books.
Publications are not loaned out to members. Members can check them out and read them in the library. These publications are put back on their shelves at the end of the day.
Books can be borrowed and returned within 15 days. After 15 days, the member will be charged daily for a late penalty.
General definitions of the library system.
Create a header file called "Lib.h" to hold all the general values of the system. Add the following and any other general values you find necessary to this header file. This header file should be included anywhere any of these values are needed.
const int SDDS_MAX_LOAN_DAYS = 15;
// maximum number of day a publication can be borrowed with no penalty
const int SDDS_TITLE_WIDTH = 30;
// The width in which the title of a publication should be printed on the console
const int SDDS_AUTHOR_WIDTH = 15;
// The width in which the author name of a book should be printed on the console
const int SDDS_SHELF_ID_LEN = 4;
// The width in which the shelf id of a publication should be printed on the console
const int SDDS_LIBRARY_CAPACITY = 5000;
// Maximum number of publications the library can hold.
Streamable Interface Modules.
Create an Interface called Streamable to enforce implementation of the following methods. Any class inherited from Streamable will have the capability to be inserted into or extracted from a stream.
Streamable Pure Virtual funcitons
Add the following pure virtual function to Streamable:
write pure virtual function
This method is not capable of modifying the Streamable object. write receives and returns a reference of an ostream object.
Functions overriding this function will write into an ostream object.
read pure virtual function
read receives and returns a reference of an istream object.
Functions overriding this function will read from an istream object.
This method is not capable of modifying the Streamable object. conIo receives a reference of an ios object and returns a Boolean.
Functions overriding this function will determine if the incoming ios object is a console IO object or not.
Boolean conversion operator overload (pure virtual)
Boolean conversion overloads of this method will return if the Streamable object is in a valid state or not.
Add an empty virtual destructor to this interface to guaranty that the descendants of the Streamable are removed from memory with no leak.
Insertion operator overload
Overload the insertion operator so a constant object of type Streamable can be written on an ostream object only if the Streamable object is in a valid state. Otherwise, the function will quietly ignore the insertion action.
Extraction operator overload
Overload the extraction operator so an object of type Streamable can be read from an istream object.
Publication class module
The publication class is a general encapsulation of any periodic publication.
Later by adding an author to the descendant of the Publication class we will encapsulate a Book for the system.
Publication Attributes
m_title is a c-string to hold a dynamic title for the publication.
To ease the implementation, let's assume this dynamic array can not be more than 255 characters long.
This attribute is null by default.
Hold the location of the publication in the library. m_shelfId is a c-string that is exactly 4 characters long.
MS3 V1.1
This attribute is an empty string by default.
This attribute is an integer to hold a 5 digit membership number of members of the library.
In this class, if the membership number is '0', it means the publication is available and is not checked out by any members.
If the membership number is a five-digit number, it means the publication is checked out by the member holding that membership number.
This attribute is zero by default.
This serial number is used internally to uniquely identify each publication in the system.
This attribute is -1 by default.
A Date object.
In periodical publications, this date is used for the publish date of the item.
In Books, this date is used to keep the date on which the book was borrowed by the member.
The Date, by default, is set to the current date.
Constructor (default)
Sets all the attributes to their default values.
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